What mistakes did you make on your first grow?


Well-Known Member
Didn't drill holes in the bottom of my pots the first time so a couple times I got some gnats. Best of luck and happy growing to you Robyn.


Well-Known Member
I'll let you know as soon as I stop making them, lol.

Over water, over fed, over heated, under left them the fuck alone.

Best thing I ever did was put them in fox farms with some lime and just left them be for 3 or 4 days until they dried. Started using the roots organics master pack, no nute burn so far after 2 weeks use so hopefully they stay nice and healthy. Got an indica and a hybrid that are gonna be ready for flower first, can't wait to see how they do they are looking juicy :)
IMG_20130718_102612.jpgThere's the hybrid. Just two tops but she's pretty beefy and already seems really resinous, can you notice that in veg or am I just crazy?

IMG_20130718_184819.jpgAnd here's my indica. She has 4 tops, but I topped a little late so she's already fairly bushy and her side branches have caught up with the tops. Hopefully after another ten days of veg those 4 tops will be nice and pronounced and she can go in flower, start working on some nice fat colas for me.

And here is exhibit c: supposedly the worlds easiest weed plant to grow, northern lights. This is what happens when you over fees organic. RIP my little northern lights.


Well-Known Member
O And a big no no telling people you grow, especially new girlfriends they never seem to keep there mouth shut, And if you break up your screwed


Well-Known Member
Tried hydro first and didn't understand or know a thing. landed up with horrible root rot and the 3 worst plants ive ever grown or smoked. this site and some experience fixed that. lol


Active Member
LIGHT LEAKS , oh man that was a knightmare! My plants aren't flowering Why? cause of LIGHT LEAKS... DEFOLIATION DURING FLOWERING, oh boy i will never do that again,IMPATIENCE what ever you do, don't do it in one day, take your time and do it gradually.And most of all learn to read your plants. Happy growing

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
last spring (2012) was my first grow (indoor/sunshine) and it turned out great...... it exceeded my expectations.

I had some seeds that came from pot I had bought over the last 10 years....I was going to toss them then decided to germinate them...most sprouted.

I keep the best one and grew it in my living-room with about 6 hours of sunlight/day.

I bought a bag of basic potting soil and a cheap plastic pot and used tap water with no nutes.

The plant yielded 18 grams of really nice tasting buds...and had a decent kick....total investment was under $10....with very little effort but took near 6 months

BTW...my Google search on trichromes which sent me to RIU....the rest is history



My biggest mistake was having no intake and no exhaust, thinking opening the closet door when I felt like it would be enough air. Got some spindly sick looking plants.


Well-Known Member
1. Using MG products, and thinking they were actually good for cannabis.
2. Placing my first clones in a humidity dome, then placing humidity dome in direct sunlight...oops.