What MOTORCYCLE do you ride and why?

Looking 2 buy my first bike. I have convinced myself my 6'4, 240 pound self can learn on a xsr 900 since it has the 6 axis imu and i can dial back into mode 4. Opinions...?
People used to learn to ride on Harley or Indian rigid frames with shit brakes and hand shifters. Go for it.

Personally after a literal lifetime on Harleys I’d buy a Japanese cruiser. Helluva lot cheaper, faster, lighter, superior braking.

My last motorcycle - Honda CB750. Been almost 10 years since I sold it. I started on a kz250 and I'm a small guy and it was fine for me. Took a hiatus and 5 years later I moved up to a Honda Sabre and some other Honda, can't remember. The 750 was the biggest bike I could get on and off comfortably and still had some power.

These new retro Kawasaki bikes have my eye... I think old school Japanese bikes and café racers are the shit.
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My last motorcycle - Honda CB750. Been almost 10 years since I sold it. I started on a kz250 and I'm a small guy and it was fine for me. Took a hiatus and 5 years later I moved up to a Honda Sabre and some other Honda, can't remember. The 750 was the biggest bike I could get on and off comfortably and still had some power.

These new retro Kawasaki bikes have my eye... I think old school Japanese bikes and café racers are the shit.
that looks really similar to the Radian i had.

the only thing i kinda wished it had was a half windscreen. sometimes riding into a head wind i felt like a sail hanging on to her. lol
that looks really similar to the Radian i had.

the only thing i kinda wished it had was a half windscreen. sometimes riding into a head wind i felt like a sail hanging on to her. lol

I outfitted mine with down-turned handlebars like a racing bike. I've always laughed at Harley riders, hell's angel-ass big fat dudes with white beards without helmets, or with nutshell helmets. I've hit bugs the size of full grown mice at over 70mph and I know if I didnt have a face shield on my helmet I would have lost an eye...

...although I also remember being at some meeting where I lived, can't remember for what, but some woman said she was driving and she passed a guy smoking a cigarette and using his cell phone while driving a motorcycle and I was like "Hey! That was me!"

Crazy times
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My last motorcycle - Honda CB750. Been almost 10 years since I sold it. I started on a kz250 and I'm a small guy and it was fine for me. Took a hiatus and 5 years later I moved up to a Honda Sabre and some other Honda, can't remember. The 750 was the biggest bike I could get on and off comfortably and still had some power.

These new retro Kawasaki bikes have my eye... I think old school Japanese bikes and café racers are the shit.
I used to have a CB750 of similar heritage myself. Rode that thing all up and down the west coast.
that looks really similar to the Radian i had. . . . . . . .
My last bike was a radian. I traded two heifers and a bull yearling for it. I had too many close calls and sold it about 15 years ago. I've been looking at trail bikes of late though. The honda 125 looks real nice. But so do those fat tired bikes they have out front of tractor supply for almost $3K less.
My last bike was a radian. I traded two heifers and a bull yearling for it. I had too many close calls and sold it about 15 years ago. I've been looking at trail bikes of late though. The honda 125 looks real nice. But so do those fat tired bikes they have out front of tractor supply for almost $3K less.
i loved that thing. i was early 20's, wad of cash, never ridden a streetbike and saw it at a yard sale and learned how to ride it on the way home.

i want a dirtbike for out here. i'm torn b/t a 125 or 250 2 stroke or 250 4stroke as something easy to learn on and then sell as i get better.