Oh there are several:

The Princess Bride
Harry Potter
Oceans anything
There are more…
I am going to go with StarshipTroopers, that movie sucked!


sorry about the caps lock
Every new God Damn Transformers movie after the first one. Fucking Michael Bay just keeps slowing everything down and blowing shit up. Fuck story line, lets go find the creators? and what optimus kill them? Since when did optimus prime become a vengfull angry killer? can someone point to an original cartoon episode where that was true? movies 2-4 were such disappointments, I cant remember what the 3rd one was about it sucked so bad.
Every new God Damn Transformers movie after the first one. Fucking Michael Bay just keeps slowing everything down and blowing shit up. Fuck story line, lets go find the creators? and what optimus kill them? Since when did optimus prime become a vengfull angry killer? can someone point to an original cartoon episode where that was true? movies 2-4 were such disappointments, I cant remember what the 3rd one was about it sucked so bad.
there were four of them? I punched out after the first one.
Avatar is one of the biggest pieces of shit I have ever seen! The story is old and ripped off from several other movies, the acting is deplorable, the writing is just stupid, and the only good thing was the special effects.
I never understood why it got so many raves. Recycled feel good movie.

I know Strax, I tried to watch it, even about 3 weeks ago and it just didn't hold my attention. I DO love Labrynth though. even though it's cheesy)
I got a lot of laughs out of this thread. You all are pretty funny..
Passion of the Christ.. Felt more like "Jesus Christ, When is this going to be over :)
Yep The Hobbit absolutely sucked. I walked out.
James Bond.. Meh...
Oh, and the one where the self pitying boner falls in love with his freaking operating system. What a pussy.. You know how I know you're lame?? Because you even got dumped by your own computer! :)