what nutes should i be buying please?

Hi this is my first ever post just joined so be gentle with me. lol

i am on my first grow which is a 60 day wonder (currently day 30).

planted seed straight into 8" pot on windowsill for a couple of weeks then got 150w cfl 1 blue spec and 1 red. (currently under the red with a fan blowing on plant)

soil is john innes no 2 from wilkinsons mixed with perlite.

im just getting started and gradually buying stuff a bit at a time. so this first grow is a bit of a trial run.

anyway ive gone and bought pk 13/14 and tomatorite but not really used them.

gonna stick with autos for a while till more confident.

so my questions are 1. do i need a micro nutrient solution and if so what do i get?
2. are tomatorite and pk 13/14 ok for veg and bloom?
3. do i need secondary nutes if so what do i get?

there is so much info out there and a million different solutions to buy i am so confused.
can someone please help me simplify things?

thanks for reading i know i ramble. lol. (well i am a girl)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU,,,sounds like you might be in the UK based on the brands you are mentioning? There is a UK growers thread here they will know more about these brands (if I'm right?) maybe Austrailia??? LOL anyway hang in there folks will get ya answered