What nutrients and supplements should i get?? (second grow)

Before investing in additives wouldn't it be smart to understand what these things actually do? Take Bud Candy. I seen it recommended earlier. The ingredients on the bottle says 0.5% Magnesium. Does your plants actually need magnesium? Do you see any Mg deficiencies? You can call it Super Fucking Weed Grower or Big Fat Dick Enhancer. The name doesn't mean shit. It's what in it and what role that ingredient plays in your plant's development.

agreed. i made this mistake my first time around. i really didn't understand what stuff did and kind of took the labels for granted. i went on a bunch of recommendations and bought too many things.

i would suggest brewing teas and using a basic 2 part nutrient. i would say house and garden's 2 part soil nutrient plus some alska humisoil tea. then you feed them 1 time and the next time you give them tea. the tea is super easy to make and you won't need all that expensive beneficial fungi and bacteria stuff. you can get a bag of humisoil for $20 that will brew 20gal of tea. you then dilute the tea in water so it really works out to about 100gal of tea. plus house and garden is super concentrated so you don't use much of it and it's fairly reasonably priced.

i'm using sunshine #4 with worm castings but on my next grow i'm gonna try coco vs. sunshine + worm castings vs. sunshine + worm castings + 30% coco. try and see which one the plants like best and then i'll stick with that. house and garden even makes a 2 part coco nutrient.
no coco in my country, well i had my doubts about big bud too.. not if its good or not.. but if it really was necesarry, no alaska humisoil too.. thats why i have to go alot with those nutes.. and well im sure i can find another kind of kelp extract , its even hard to find perlite... but ive found a guy that sells em.. i have to put em on the oven first right? to make sure no bacterias, i read something lyk that.. well i have lyk 3 weeks before i need my mix of soil.. seeds havent even sprouted they on paper towel, i have some rockwool but ima save those for clones, coz i dont have bad results germinating on paper towel then soil, it has worked for me. beside big bud u see any other nutes that wont help my plants??
regardless of what is on the bottle (which really means fuck all based on labeling laws) big bud works very very well. you will be hard pressed to find an experienced grower who says that it doesn't work well. I'm not an AN fan boy by any strecth but in terms of early bud boosters, the stuff works!
ok im getting u , is it necessary a water pump to make some tea? how would i make it, just mixing the kelp and molassis in water? the nutes i mentioned before are for specific times on the plant, here i make an example of what i have in mind.

Kelp and molasses will not make a tea by itself. You need some worm or bat shit to 'brew'. The kelp and molasses feed the shit.. and makes the tea.

my soil
top soil 60%
perlite 15-%20% "its a lil bigger than perlite..."
guano pelican 5% or less
humus 15%-20%

i veg for 1 to 2 months and i usually water 1 - 2 times per week thats what my enviroment allow me.. but maybe it was coz of my crappy soil...
week 1 water / water+rhizotonic "if it needs again" if not tap water
week 2 water + rhizotonic / water + nutes "not to strong yet"
week 3 tap water / kelp extract only if "molasses wont work atm right?"
week 4 kelp extract / water + nutes
if i switch atm to flowering
week 5 canna pk+canna boost / water+canna boost
week 6 tap water / water+cana boost
week 7 kelp+molasses / kelp + molasses
week 8 tap water / tap water
week 9 bud candy+big bud / bud candy+big bud
week 10 kelp / kelp
week 11 molasses / flush
week 12 drying / drying
week 13 if it needs more time i prob tap water or some water + molasses

for blueberry i will have purple maxx to enhance some purple so i will play with that. also i will be using SUPERTHRIVE i heard it really helps, is it ok to mix that with kelp?? ive heard is ok to mix it with my reg nutes. also if tap water can be changed for kelp with no problems i will water with kelp everytime, ofc this is very subject to changes.. one never knows what will happend...

ps. when is the right time to feed big bud... and how many times a week u usually water ur plants?

Is it just me or are you missing your base nutrient. All I see are additives.. That's like feeding your kid condiments as a meal.. it might work but it's not working..

Ok, I see them.. "Nutes" Sorry man, I'm late to this party.. lol what nutes are you using and I only see them on week 4. Are you counting on the seabird guano?

To me you look a little light on the nutes though flowering.. You might be ok but I bet you can do better.
You are a complete idiot UB has helped hundreds of people on these forums with growing questions and is probably one of the better sources for growing info around here
Most PK boosters are just that, P & K. Stuff like "Wet Betty" is just yucca extract which is like a natural soap which helps nutrient absorption. If you wanted a boost, you could easily take your existing Bloom formula at 1/3rd strength, add a drop of dish soap or a few drops of yucca extract (cost $7) then foliar feed the plants using a good misting spray bottle. I keep bringing up Advanced Nutrients only because I've used their stuff. I'm not saying they're putting out bad stuff, but I will say you don't need it. Big Bud is PK plus amino acids. I bet not one person here can find a study that actually shows real world benefits of adding amino acids. Believe me I've tried. If you really want the amino acids, X Nutrients makes a product called Amino Blast for $15 a bottle. Cheaper then AN or H&G and it's the same exact crap.

I bet most of you compare the ingredients in over the counter medications every time you step into a drug store, just because you want to save $2-$3 bucks. And that's with shit like acetaminophen that goes directly into your body and can actually kill you if you take to much. All I'm saying is why not use that same amazing $$$ saving brain power you got when comparing poops and pees.

thats the reason i make this threat, in order to learn what to do right this time and improve on my second grow... right now im a beginner just know what i've read and its not all in the books... i lyk to have responses from ppl that actually are growing atm what opinions they have and how are they rolling in the end. thx for the tip i will search and study that yuca extract.
You are a complete idiot UB has helped hundreds of people on these forums with growing questions and is probably one of the better sources for growing info around here

really? One post guy.. :hump: UB is knowledgeable but it's like getting gems out of sewer system..
Most noobs (not all) will buy the label and not botanical principles, plant nutrition. They're lazy, want to be taken care of which folks like Advance Shysters is more than willing to do.

If you can't raise some beautiful plants with rock solid colas (like my avatar) with nothing more than something like Walmart's or Jack's 20-20-20, FROM START TO FINISH, you shouldn't be growing. I raised that avatar plant using mainly organics like blood meal, bone meal, etc. but with tweaks of cheap off the shelf plant food and the 5" diameter cola was solid bud. I'm talking solid. Air could not get thru it. I had the genetics too, mainly indica.

This is my philosophy and advice to a fella who's well on his way to becoming a Master Gardener --> https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-...stress-symptoms-solutions-85.html#post7362589

Most noobs (not all) will buy the label and not botanical principles, plant nutrition. They're lazy, want to be taken care of which folks like Advance Shysters is more than willing to do.

If you can't raise some beautiful plants with rock solid colas (like my avatar) with nothing more than something like Walmart's or Jack's 20-20-20, FROM START TO FINISH, you shouldn't be growing. I raised that avatar plant using mainly organics like blood meal, bone meal, etc. but with tweaks of cheap off the shelf plant food and the 5" diameter cola was solid bud. I'm talking solid. Air could not get thru it. I had the genetics too, mainly indica.

This is my philosophy and advice to a fella who's well on his way to becoming a Master Gardener --> https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-...stress-symptoms-solutions-85.html#post7362589


not to be starting anything with you bro but there are a ton of VERY experienced growers that would disagree with you. especially about advanced. go check out collective gardeners 20,000w grow thread or humbolt's 24,000w grow thread. both of them are producing killer plants with advanced and would probably differ from opinion as to the quality of advanced's lineup. i'm not doubting your knowledge but you even saidd you went organic on that plant. that's a shitload of nutes in those meals and composts. if you were in hydro or a soiless medium or didn't want to go organic that doesn't mean you don't know how to grow or shouldn't be growing just cause you need synthetic nutes. kinda closed minded, arrogant, and obnoxious if you ask me.
Had a good laugh at this thread then. Love the banter myself and that hope u get termites on your face shit had me in stitches. Anyway i just kept it basic with this grow with the nutes. Just standard a and b with a flower stim for the first 6 weeks of flower then switched to a and b with bloombastic for 2 week now flushing with water and may use groteks final flush solution to help remove the salts. Thats all i used and iv got 17 cheese plants in a sog that to me look like there gonna pull atleast an oz an half to 2 a plant.
I think what Uncle Ben was tryin to say was that it doesn't make sense to be feeding ur plants with sumptin different every week. Part of growing marijuana is being consistent if ur giving them different nutes every week when u water wouldn't that kinda freak out the plants?
I follow the kiss method (keep it simple stupid). I find that it really works well. The freakin' genetics on most of these plants means that they will grow into monsters regardless of what you do. I usually premix my soil two types of animal shit (one for N, the other for P, ) good amount of blood and bonemeal, some gypsum/dolomite/trace elements, and a whole bunch of worm castings. I feed as I see need fit, (if my leaves are green I leave the fucker alone, I might add something 4-2-4 food and even more cal/mag to mix every now and then).

Edit: If you're goin indoor, I'd say stick to guanos' of birds/bats. For outdoor you can use any animal's shit that eats grass with good results.
not to be starting anything with you bro but there are a ton of VERY experienced growers that would disagree with you. especially about advanced. go check out collective gardeners 20,000w grow thread or humbolt's 24,000w grow thread. both of them are producing killer plants with advanced and would probably differ from opinion as to the quality of advanced's lineup. i'm not doubting your knowledge but you even saidd you went organic on that plant. that's a shitload of nutes in those meals and composts. if you were in hydro or a soiless medium or didn't want to go organic that doesn't mean you don't know how to grow or shouldn't be growing just cause you need synthetic nutes. kinda closed minded, arrogant, and obnoxious if you ask me.

Advanced Shysters is cool, eh? Reminds me of what one wise man said, "the only person that thinks O.J. Simpson wasn't a murderer is you and his mother."
Advanced Shysters is cool, eh? Reminds of what one wise man once said, "the only person that thinks O.J. Simpson wasn't a murderer is you and his mother."

well, you pretty much just sealed your fate there buddy. ignorance is bliss. people who are so obnoxious as to think they know all and that their way is the only way do not go far in life. good luck with that.
well, you pretty much just sealed your fate there buddy. ignorance is bliss. people who are so obnoxious as to think they know all and that their way is the only way do not go far in life. good luck with that.

I sealed my fate? "Ignorance is bliss"? Yeah, I'd say so!

Look....I've been doing this before you was messin' in your drawers. Based on your outrageous expenditures for gear and snake oils and your constant problems with mold and nutritional issues, which reflects in that paltry looking garden of yours, I think a little humility on your part is in order. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/513182-newb-grow-journal-11.html
I've been posting and looking at cannabis journals for over 12 years, and you fit the perfect profile of what the vendors are looking for - no horticultural experience just enamored with sales pitches and forum atta boys, props from folks that couldn't find their asses with both hands. You have taken the same path as thousands before you and are failing....encountering one problem after another.

For example, just when you need a high N food with a strong micros profile as reflected by the poor foliar responses and output, your last post says it all:
hey scrogs, what makes you say N abundance? is it the yellowing on the new growth?

Blind leading the blind. IOW, contrary to what your good buddy is advising you, it's N that INDUCES healthy green leaves not this kind of advise,
N abundance, Nugs. back off the nitrogen, imo.

Now, I'm going to take time out of my day and give you some friendly tips, ones that most likely you will ignore as your comfort zone resides in forum bullshit rather than learning what makes a plant tick.....

1. Get away from this forum and stay out of other cannabis forums. 90% of the advice is wrong. Lurk/post at regular gardening sites like GardenWeb,
2. Get down to your local library and pick up a couple of books on indoor plant culture which includes research on plant nutrition, AND the importance of NPK and micros ratios,
3. Shortcut to success - buy Mel Franks "MJ Insiders Growers Guide",
4. Learn what makes a plant tick before going off on yet another lame forum gimmick - SCROG. It's a PITA and like other gimmicks does not guarantee your success. You don't need anymore gimmicks, you need to learn what makes a plant tick.
5. Re-read post #32 and see the link I gave.

Good luck,
Uncle Ben
uncle ben... can u be more arrogant? thinking ur way is the only way...? srsly kill urself and live again but this time.. LEARN HOW TO, if we all have the same ideas thoughts... i will be ashamed of humans... even more i would be ashamed of me.. everyone has its own brain different than urs, keep ur arrogance and fkin ideas for urself.. and one more time.. CAN U FKIN STOP SPAMMING A THREAD IVE CREATED... we dont need ur help here.. u are just NOT FKIN welcome.. can u fkin get it...? U.... ONLY U...AND SPECIALLY U... ARE NOT WELCOME... so please... one more time.. coz it seems that u are retarded... STOP SPAMMING.. u get it now.. one more time just to be sure.. U ARE NOT WELCOME..

PS.. if u have more arrogant thoughts.. SEND A FKIN INBOX... and please.. one more time.. coz DEF u are retarted... STOP SPAMMING.. GTFO!! OK?? THX.... JUST GO POST UR ARROGANCE ONTO OTHER THREAD