What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

Thats one bizarre and quite hilarious story! By any efforts I am the sort of person that likes to function and if you do suffer from insomnia then all the best for you- you have something that relieves your 48 hrs of sleepless syndrome. I would believe ambien provides a nice altering high... how you would compare it to traditional opiates, does it act in the same way?
ive never done any actual opiates.. Besides the occasional prescription pain med from a doc.. I think Ambien is a very unique "high"... Its almost euphoric in a way so I guess its kinda like an opiate. The best "high's" for me are the ones that make me feel sleepy.. Love me some indica. The only "bad" thing about Ambien is that there so addictive that most docs wont refill them but 3 times and then you have to "take a break" for a few months before taking them again..
certian Allergy pills, other then that not much I have anxiety so it has a good effect on me.

well other then today when I took one and had 18hrs of sleep.
I enjoy any drugs that make me think that enjoy is spelled with an i haha. "I'd probably lick rhenoceros' butthole if got you FUCKED up enough...in fact, I'd probably buy a rhino." -one crazy crazy night
I enjoy any drugs that make me think that enjoy is spelled with an i haha. "I'd probably lick rhenoceros' butthole if got you FUCKED up enough...in fact, I'd probably buy a rhino." -one crazy crazy night

haha thats funny.. reminds me of this > tell me this lemur isnt stoned like a mofo!

I haven't tried anything but weed, and i really don't care to try anything else. Strictly green for me. Although i did tell my husband that if he DID find some shrooms I might try them. But he hasn't found any yet lol.
Definitely... psilocybes are beautiful and worth the experimentation!

Take your favorite painting and throw it among the outskirts of your vision... now your it in with fluid motion... as an oil painted just cascading with nonprecise motion... that's how it is when you embark in the shroom :)
yea a nice acid is very hard to come by..
but when it does.. omg
im really into that shroom thing, gonna have to experiment in the summer in 2 to 3 months
I've tried several different drugs but my faves are definitley MJ and X..
I only smoke MJ regularly now, but definitely wanna do X again if I ever get ahold of them.
MJ mostly man. wouldn't call it a drug...= )
i've done plenty of pills. oxycotin, hydrocodone...basically painkillers. they're alright.

i would love to try acid. i've read it's like a mind exploring thing
i'm in to shit like that, that'd be cool i think :joint:
don't know about shroomies.
never took these pills like oxy, hydro, etc..
acid is very nice, but X you gotta take when you want to party.. i always take them when i go to raves and they are the best thing for them..
you are everywhere running jumping dancing with strangers that become your best friend for that moment.. its awesome.. too bad some people dont take them too seriously and mix with alcohol etc.. its a shame they put everything on X pills these days, cafeine, anphetamine and a lot of other chemicals.. its very hard to get pure mdma really, almost impossible.. why do the fucking dealers and manufacturers mess up so much with these drugs.. makes me wanna learn chemistry just to make some nice X and LSD..
MJ mostly man. wouldn't call it a drug...= )
i've done plenty of pills. oxycotin, hydrocodone...basically painkillers. they're alright.

i would love to try acid. i've read it's like a mind exploring thing
i'm in to shit like that, that'd be cool i think :joint:
don't know about shroomies.

Tell ya what, I took a good ammount of acid when I was younger, and nothing has made me trip as hard as shrooms, acid never made me hallucinate but shrooms surely have!!