What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?


Master of Mayhem
Man you name it and I have been addicted to it---Meth, Coke, Oxycontin, and Ex. If you ask me they are all bad:evil: and I do not reccomend any of it to anyone. It took me a long time to see the light. Now I only smoke weed, and I'll pop an occasional painkiller (Percoset, Vicoden)--thats about it. Like Thurgood said "I don't do drugs, just weed!"


Active Member
i saw a good friend OD on pills because the guy he got if from was fucked and told him to take twice the normal amount and hes tiny

one of the scaryest things ive seen watching him go through that so i stay away

weed and shrooms, thats where its at


Well-Known Member
before taking weed i took meths 5 times in nightclubs, alcohol and tobacco regularly once a week, socially, never been an adicted

arrgh i have been 3 weeks without weed, our dealer was caught by cops, there is some tension here, nobody sells you if they dont know you


Well-Known Member
And what is X made with Speed or Opuim, so what you are really saying is i do any drugs i get my hands on, jk but serisous:peace:


Active Member
X is either mda or mdma mixed w/ something else, like heroine or any of a number of speeds.

ps, make sure you get your x from someone you know... don't want to pick up straight speed pills. avoid the speckled hits.



Active Member
ive done every drug exept Herion and acid and from my experince i have to say the best high in my opion would be methadome makes you feel so damn good


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Methadone and Heroin are great highs. Although my junkie days are over I can still(and i am 7 yrs clean)tell you that the greatest ever feeling is the 2 minutes after you shoot up a bag of china......ohhhhhhh what a rush!!!:hump:


Active Member
I like the high of walking around a nearby lake... Stoned or straight.... ummm so far in a month of walking I've always gotten stoned before I left... As for the harder drugs... done most of them in my earlier days... I just love vapin good herb now!


Master of Mayhem
Methadone and Heroin are great highs. Although my junkie days are over I can still(and i am 7 yrs clean)tell you that the greatest ever feeling is the 2 minutes after you shoot up a bag of china......ohhhhhhh what a rush!!!:hump:

I must agree--or the rush of pushing 160mg of oxycontin into your arm!!! I myself am 2 yrs clean now.

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
The only real drug I've done is X. The buzz was pretty good, but the come down fucking blew big time. I'm gonna try some shrooms soon, should be fun. Maryjane is my girl though, forever <3.


Well-Known Member
just marijuana and never thinking about some other stuff.marijuana is the best!!!!!!and natural!!!!