WHat other plants does marijuana look like?


Well-Known Member
Well, I kinda have a problem. I started 7 plants outdoors. First time growing outside. Inside, I was able to hide my plants. Outside, well, they aren't exactly hidden. Now, I live in a pretty rural area, up a long driveway. My neighbors are pretty far away. I'm surrounded by hills. Because of this, I can basically grow it in a flower bed where I can closely monitor the plants. However, I didn't think one thing through. Family. I'm having some family over in a few days, and they'll ask what I'm growing. Now, the plants are only about 3 inches tall. But I can't just make up a random plant, because my uncle, who is coming over, is a gardener. He knows and has grown a lot of plants, so I have to be careful. What plants look very similar to marijuana?
Hops, and tomato plants.

Can you hide them? Like put a vine over for a few days or some planted pots around it. I grow where everyone can see, and no one has noticed and I am sure they would if I didn't hide it well.

Good luck, I hope you don't get caught!
I wish I lived in the hills like you do. :]


New Member
if there only 3 in just make a take a garden shovel and go around it enoguh out that you dont hit roots then put them in a pot holder and hide that for when theyre there