what pets do you have?

I have a 140 pound female Malamute a neighbor was getting rid of when she found she was going to have a baby about 2 years ago, a little, roughly 35 pound, terrier mix stray that I took in about 7 or 8 years ago and a black cat that was a kitten from a littler a mamma cat we took in when I still owned the marina gave us about a week after taking her in.
I got one kitty cat!

ive got 2 dogs, black lab and a beagle... 2 cats, a blue russian and a calico mix.

the dogs names are lucy (rooster,goose) lol and the beagle is trixie, cats are booty and masie
I probly have the most.

6 dogs
6 cats
2 snakes
3 bearded dragons
1 rabbit

Used to have 2 birds but one flew away an the other died shortly after
me i got two cats two rabbits and two ducks...and two dogs at my dads lol
names are marley, iffy, harvey, one of the rabbits was named holly but then grew balls so we tryed to rename it winston and two ducks are called smiggles and dudley.

One cat, two rats, and a lizard.
1 Dog and 6 cats, well that was until this morning, I now have 7 cats and a dog.
Picked up the cutest and friendliest kitten this morning in the main road in our village.
Heck it is even potty trained.
I have a yorkie and a tabby kitten. :)

Seasons greetings