What PH meter/tester to use for soil.....(canna coco)

Hey everybody here at RIU.................I am new to all of this, so hoping to see what everybody else uses......I am wondering what PH tester or Meter does everybody use in soil....... also do you test the soil for the ph or is it the run off you test after you water? Thank you all


New Member
just go to a garden store and they should have ph meters with a long metal prong on the end there about $10 USD, buy 1 off those. about the run off thing im not to sure, if your water is the same ph off the soil then it should be the same ??!!

hope this helps

I Love Indica

Active Member
I heard Hanna is a good company to go with for a PH Meter... I still have 2 weeks before nutes so I have'nt grabbed one yet. I would check Amazon or Overstock.com.


Active Member
I found the PH meter mentioned above to be waste of time and money, purchase a digital meter for approx 50 Euro. You need to get your PH just right to maximise your yield and the health of your plants. It’s the fundamental starting block of a good yield. The long metal type are not accurate, in my opinion.