What plant does this flower come from?


Well-Known Member
thats not true, this is definatly a "fake bud" i dont think we should call it a bud because oposite of what you said, they only sell random plants mixed with paste and compressed, there is no medical value, and alot reasons to not use it, my first and foremost complaint i have with these fake "buds" is that they dont even tell you what kind of plant they come from, they make up a name such as hawaian haze and then go ahead and sell you sage, a bit of mint, and maybe some oragano ontop. one of the buds was said to have salvia on it, exceoptt its salvia S not D so its wont even get you high, just good marketing to get highschool kids to buy your legal stuff instead of the healthier alternative of marijuana
Actually, ur wrong. The reason im asking about this certain variety is because ive seen it in person. It is an actual bud, its an actual stem with plant material growing out of it, and to the untrained eye it could very easily be mistaken as the real stuff. The bits of dried leaf had a similar design to cannabis, and the coloring is dead on. The rest of their stuff is just glued together herb shake with red strands of something stuck to a stick. I want to know what plant this comes from, not to grow it, but just to see what it looks like originally before its picked and dried.


Active Member
It looks kind of like Curled Dock, but have my doubts.

Likely a common weed or flower, seeing as they use wild lettuce and marigold (Tagetes)


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that's hops, a relative of cannabis.

but upon second looking its hard to say......