what plant problem does this signify

There are far better people than me on this board, to answer this. My first guess would be nitrogen deficiency. At least that's what I was always told yellowing lower leaves meant.
Cal-mag never hurts in my opinion, I use 1 tsp/gal every watering. As far as your exact problem I wouldn't want to venture a guess without more info like soil and what you've already fed. Even then I rarely offer an oinion because it could be so many different things.

Good luck
Well i use botnicare pure veg 2tbsp one water... All water on the next and i experiment eith my plants.... But for this particular one its just in dirt others are in topsoil and black cow
Well bro, to me it looks as if it may be early stages of (N) Nitrogen & maybe a touch of (MG) Magnesium deficiency. But I would 4 sure say (N).. if I where you I would dose her with a "micro nutrient" aswell. What is your Ph running, & also do you use a ppm meter??
My ph is 7 n ni i dnt use a ppm meter whats it for? N what other nute would u recommend?? N thanks for the chart
There's multi-symptom here, agreed with the N and cal-mag.. would also say start of P. Unless the strain is very demanding and they just aren't getting enough of those, I'd then suspect pH. Was this a recent transplant to this pot? Did you change mediums? You may want to hit it with a lil' bit of pH'd 6.3 water for your next round of watering as well.
My ph is 7 n ni i dnt use a ppm meter whats it for? N what other nute would u recommend?? N thanks for the chart

Also agreed with you "Figong".. I was also thinking (P) myself, but wasn't 100% sure, so I didn't mention it.
As for your Ph "Jwizzle" I would try to get it down around 6.3 to no more then 6.5. That's the Ph range I keep all of my females at, and 4 the most part they all do pretty good. I do have one strain though that loves a higher Ph! She likes it near or around 7 or higher! The strain is "Super Pig. Also, if I where you I would "if new" to growing would try to get a ph'd correct nutrients, so you wouldn't have to worry about the Ph for right now. I have used many nutrients myself. Out of all the ones I've used in the past 5 years, I would have to say I've found that Advanced Nutrients(the Flora Series) is a damn good nute! You can get a "starter" box with there lineup for around 35.00$. Also my 2nd fav I would have to say would be General Organics lineup. My 3rd is Foxfarms lineup, you just gotta be super carefull with the foxfarms though, especially if your using a soil that already has nutrients added!! Then if that's the case a grower would want to wait to add any nutes for I would say atleast the first 2 months, maybe even 3 depending on how your plant/plants are doing, and what strains your growing. Some strains can handle more nutrients then others! Its up to the grower to see/test just to how much, and what each particular strain likes, and dislikes. What one likes, the other may not. Oh! The "Ppm" meter I mentioned would also help you out in not over doing your nutes, and aids a grower to be able to add & bump there nutrients up to a safe zone, that your plants are comftable with, and it measures the "parts per million" in your mixed nutrients. I purchased the one I use on Amazon for like 8 bucks if I recall correctly. But there's others out there that you could spend in the upwards range of well over 150$ or more!! Which I think the 8$ cheapo works just aswell IMO.. :mrgreen:

Well bro I sure hope that helps. Dank.
It looks to me as if the plants are not getting any nutes.... poor soil... nothing fed...
NPK needs now...
Like the above have said.../\
I would not flush, you don't have too much... you have too little, and this experiment, should be halted...
Add Nutes... Full strength...
What did you add to your soil? Dirt?
Would u suggest that i flush it before changing its nutes

Your welcome. And yeah, I don't mind to help another fellow grower out. :mrgreen:
It makes me feel good 2 know that I am able to do so. I don't claim to know it all, but one doesn't grow for the years I have not to learn alittle bit.. ;) oh! On the nutes, what I would do, & what I've done just here recently was tapper off the nutes your using now, half strentgh, little to none, down to plain ph'd h2o. Then start back with your new nutes. I did this same exact thing where I've been searching for a new nute I like, and the plants like and had to do this. Or yeah, you could just flush them, to make sure there isn't any salt build up left over from the last nutes, then start on a light mixture of the new nutes, and work your way up on strentgh, according to how your plants are doing, nute burn, etc'.. just keep your eye on them, and if you see any burnt tips or anything such as that, back off the nutes!! I dose my girls every 3 days, and plain h2o w/ micro nutes in between feedings. Idk if you've seen my girls,if not stop in and check um out.. links in my signature.. take er easy bro.. Your friend, Dank.
He is wanting to change nutes. So I suggested to flush. Reason being is (salt buildup) from the nutes he is using now. Not a "major" flush! What I would do would be tapper off the nutes down to plain ph'd water, then add back with your new nutes, then adjust according to what/how your girls react to the new nutes.
It looks to me as if the plants are not getting any nutes.... poor soil... nothing fed...
NPK needs now...
Like the above have said.../\
I would not flush, you don't have too much... you have too little, and this experiment, should be halted...
Add Nutes... Full strength...
What did you add to your soil? Dirt?

full strength? I'd say that's not at all a good idea... as for soil, if the soil isn't optimal.. perlite will make or break you - this isn't something you -need- to do, but could be considered based on drainage and aeration problems that may be showing at some point in time.