What plants are you growing?


Active Member
So I have started my first grow recently, however I dont expect anything too amazing out of it. Im only doing 1 plant, for personal use, and more or less for learning experience. However, I am still in the process of gathering some supplies here and there, nutes, additives to the soil for when I have to transplant, etc. I have visited a couple of nearby nurseries and Home Depot and whatnot nearby and people helping me constantly tend to ask what I need things for, or what Im growing. I keep having to come up with something on the spot... I feel like I might sound suspicious, plus when I get more attention than I want, I know that my face gets a bit red, so I feel like it creates awkwardness, especially since I have to go back to these places later on. :-?

Anyways, what kind of excuses do you use for these situations? Are there some plants/vegetables that use similar soils or whatnot that dont sound suspicious? Sorry if this has been discussed, I didnt take too much time to search for a similar thread. Also, apologies if this should be posted elsewhere, as this is in "The Grow Room" section... I have just been mostly sticking to newbie central for the last little while.
The most common answer is tomatos, tell em you're growing that and thye wont think twice about it. The most similar plant to cannabis would be hops used for brewing beer but theres not alot of people growing that so stick with tomatos. Also try not to ask too many questions, I go in buy what I need and get out without talking to anyone but the person at the register. That's how I usually buy anything I need like clothes or electronics so it doesn't feel weird to me. I always research before I buy anything so I don't ask questions, I already know what I need.

You're probably just psyching yourself out. I buy bulbs ferts etc at places like home depot and don't even think twice about it.
Ok, that may be true as well, and I will have to do the same as far as avoiding conversation until Im checking out. My lack of familiarity with what some of the places around me carry is what has started conversations. Thanks for the advice.
Do your research first to avoid the situation....go in with a list and if you need help or someone asks can I help say yea I need this or that.....they are just being nice man that's their job to act like they give a crap about what your doing......tell them tomatoes though like Galvatron said if they suggest another product just say no thanks I need this or that specifically no need to think a Depot employee is a cop their job is to sell shit and act interested and concerned....some really are and are just trying to help..... get all red and embarrassed if she's hot and wants your bod she'll dig that.......or he ya know what ever gender you are lol relax its all good.

What strain is your plant? Female? Genetics is half the battle.
Tennis court light Bulbs. Yeah, love that one. :)
When confronted by a nosy sales person, I just say I was asked by my grandmother to buy and then I quickly change the topic.
You can be frank and say. It's non of your business but can appear to be rude.
If you appear nice and approachable, you will open yourself to possible searching questions.
If you say tomato it is or other indoor plants, if the person so happen is familiar with the plant you mentioned, he will readily show you options for your supposed tomato plant.
Really is difficult. Can you not find a shop with no nosy sales persons? :)
Honesty is the key tell them coco plants for cocaine watch there face smile and walk away. Then say just screwing w ya heirlooms. Aint coco for cocaine if not let them get confused and say I dont no either my mom sent me
Tennis court light Bulbs. Yeah, love that one. :)
When confronted by a nosy sales person, I just say I was asked by my grandmother to buy and then I quickly change the topic.
You can be frank and say. It's non of your business but can appear to be rude.
If you appear nice and approachable, you will open yourself to possible searching questions.
If you say tomato it is or other indoor plants, if the person so happen is familiar with the plant you mentioned, he will readily show you options for your supposed tomato plant.
Really is difficult. Can you not find a shop with no nosy sales persons? :)

+1 on the grandma told me to buy it. And it makes you look like a saint :). Last time I picked up a bag of perlite, the checkout guy asked, doing some gardening? Somewhat suspiciously. I replied, I just inherited some cacti from my grandmother who we had to move out of her house and into a home. Which was partially true. I will also add the sickly cacti has doubled in girth since I have had it :). You can always say you are getting a jump start on your outdoor garden. Also buy some house plants, there are always some on sale and its a great coverup for that corner in the garage packed with soil, ammendments and pots. If you ever have a plant smell in your home, "must be the house plants". I always have a reason for what I am buying, and I just think of the hundreds of times I have spent hours in a box store getting the right things for project not canna related and it eases my mind.
Great, you gave me more ideas how to go about them sales persons. The first few times I felt that my answers were dead give aways but learned to play along. Hey, am a gardener and ganja is not the only thing I know how to plant. :)
If it's for my soil plants then I go with, "my mom starts seedlings in he garage every winter for spring flowers, so I'm making a little seedling starter table and getting a few supplies for it".

If it's for my aeroponic setup, then it's all "for the fountain I'm building for mom". They never seem to get suspicious, and if it's an old lady helping you they usually eat that shit up
Here are a couple pictures of my Blue Dream ladies that are about 1-2 weeks into bloom. They are taking over my grow space like they own it. I can hardly walk around them and I can't even go out before work anymore to water without my clothes getting a full dose of there fragrance. I have been running BD for years now and its time to switch it up. The last run I tried Cali connection GSC and it was the bomb. Currently my best seedling is doing great in a re-veg almost ready to take cuttings. I also pollinated one of the other super stars and now have a stock of great seeds. The pictures of the finished buds are GSC from my December harvest which I'm going to relive in my next run. Happy smoking friends !!!


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I think tomatoes is so widely used that it is kinda like a code word for weed. (Hence all the amazon reviews saying things like "These lights work great for my tomatoes after I switch them to their 12/12 flowering cycle") I would either go for something slightly different but with similar needs, like a potato (As a matter of fact you can grow tomatoes and potatoes on the same plant by grafting them like you would with a navel orange onto a valenica tree) or a type of tomato that is specific enough that it sounds like you wouldn't be making it up. "I'm growing Black Krim Heirloom tomatoes!" is immediately make people think "I wonder what's special about that kind of tomato" (The answer is they are a cool color, and super delicious to boot!) instead of thinking "Yeah.. 'Tomatoes' Sure buddy, I know exactly what kinda 'Tomatoes' you're growing" (Which is what I think whenever people under 45 tell me they are growing tomatoes):peace:
The plants he or she showed are nice though Lol. Every thread needs at least a little bud porn to keep us stoners interest peaked.:weed:.
You need to say "Heirloom Tomatoes"

Makes it seem like you are smarter. Then start talking about GMO corn and the "industrial food complex"....no more questions!

Or just laugh like this
