What political issues are you unwilling to compromise on?

In terms of how I would apply that to make a vote choice is this...

I would examine the line up of candidates and choose the one whom if I’m lucky enough lines us pretty perfectly to my progressive thinking: universal healthcare, legal weed, pro choice, pro Canadian or Australian style gun control, etc...

If I don’t have that option I look for the next closest down the line.... in my area often not a dem on the ticket for many local races. I don’t want to not vote... so I hunt for the most progressive of the gop... I hate voting for any of em but I’m not going possibly help a total trumper republicunt win.

I would certainly agree there is a line in the sand somewhere... but I need to ponder that one a bit... but certainly good pondering material there to dive into...

So you're okay using a gun to force unwilling people into a "free healthcare" program though, right?
So you're okay using a gun to force unwilling people into a "free healthcare" program though, right?

Never said it would be free, would be universal, it would be free in same way you don't get a line item bill for your share of cost of the military, the cost of the fire department coming out to put your house fire out, or the rent due for the books you "rent" from the library, you don't pay a toll for every road you drive down, etc.

Nope not gunna force ya to go to the doctor but if you so choose to go, it would be covered... Like all the other civilized countries of the world. When you are a citizen of a society you often must pay taxes for things you don't want. I wasn't for the war in Iraq, I don't get to get out of paying taxes to pay for that, well in that case my kids won't get a say in getting the US Credit Card Bill for that war someday even though I was against it...

I don't see Canadian troops marching citizens into the doctor's office.... Egypt has a universal program you may use if you wish and a private system you can choose if you wish to pay... Not many conservatives in other countries fighting to end their universal healthcare systems to go with a system like ours...
Never said it would be free, would be universal, it would be free in same way you don't get a line item bill for your share of cost of the military, the cost of the fire department coming out to put your house fire out, or the rent due for the books you "rent" from the library, you don't pay a toll for every road you drive down, etc.

Nope not gunna force ya to go to the doctor but if you so choose to go, it would be covered... Like all the other civilized countries of the world. When you are a citizen of a society you often must pay taxes for things you don't want. I wasn't for the war in Iraq, I don't get to get out of paying taxes to pay for that, well in that case my kids won't get a say in getting the US Credit Card Bill for that war someday even though I was against it...

I don't see Canadian troops marching citizens into the doctor's office.... Egypt has a universal program you may use if you wish and a private system you can choose if you wish to pay... Not many conservatives in other countries fighting to end their universal healthcare systems to go with a system like ours...

So you ARE okay with using a gun to force your ideas on others who don't share your idea?

Do you consider forcing others to pay for your ideas against their wishes to be civilized? Where do you live? I'm a little short of cash and think I might want to come break into your house and get all "civilized" on you to fund some of my ideas which you may not agree with. You'd be okay with that, right?
So you ARE okay with using a gun to force your ideas on others who don't share your idea?

Do you consider forcing others to pay for your ideas against their wishes to be civilized? Where do you live? I'm a little short of cash and think I might want to come break into your house and get all "civilized" on you to fund some of my ideas which you may not agree with. You'd be okay with that, right?
we'll just hang "reasonable and polite" signs like the ones you told racist whites to use to keep black people out of their stores
So you ARE okay with using a gun to force your ideas on others who don't share your idea?

Do you consider forcing others to pay for your ideas against their wishes to be civilized? Where do you live? I'm a little short of cash and think I might want to come break into your house and get all "civilized" on you to fund some of my ideas which you may not agree with. You'd be okay with that, right?
circular reasoning and idiotic conclusions; from an imbecile who values the rights of his own dystopian “freedom” for individuals to coerce children into being raped, over the rights of those children to a childhood. Nonce
we'll just hang "reasonable and polite" signs like the ones you told racist whites to use to keep black people out of their stores

I never told racist whites to do anything with their own property, because I have no right to. I can dislike them, I can not shop there, but what I can't do is act as if I own them or their property and force them to serve me. That would be endorsing a kind of servitude, what kind of idiot would do that?

I did answer your question about the least harmful (or something like that) way a racist could notice others of their racism. That's not an endorsement of their action, it was a simple answer to your question, Simpleton. You wouldn't be trying to conflate things or insinuate that I'm a racist now would you?

Speaking of answering questions, what kind of scary gun will you use when you take away people's guns so nobody will have scary guns anymore?
circular reasoning and idiotic conclusions; from an imbecile who values the rights of his own dystopian “freedom” for individuals to coerce children into being raped, over the rights of those children. Nonce

I sense you are trying to make a point, but you are unable to quell your frustration long enough to form a proper rebuttal. I suggest you wipe the spittle from your craven lips and try again. This time please use big boy concepts to buttress your argument, butthead. Thanks.
I sense you are trying to make a point, but you are unable to quell your frustration long enough to form a proper rebuttal. I suggest you wipe the spittle from your craven lips and try again. This time please use big boy concepts to buttress your argument, butthead. Thanks.
Puerile response, tidy your bedroom
Puerile response, tidy your bedroom

it was a simple answer to your question

i ask you questions about your fucked up philosophy and your answers include things like "hang a sign saying no black people are allowed"

what does that say about your shitty, fucked up philosophy you white power vermin?
So you ARE okay with using a gun to force your ideas on others who don't share your idea?

Do you consider forcing others to pay for your ideas against their wishes to be civilized? Where do you live? I'm a little short of cash and think I might want to come break into your house and get all "civilized" on you to fund some of my ideas which you may not agree with. You'd be okay with that, right?

So where do you get the form so none of your tax dollars get allocated for anything you don't beleive in?

Cuz i wanna fill one out so i dont have to pay for Iraq..
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So where do you get the form so none of your tax dollars get allocated for anything you don't beleive in?

Cuz i wanna fill one out so i dont have to pay for Iraq..

Thank you for recognizing that not being forced to pay for something you don't personally approve of (or use) is what you'd like. It would be a lot more peaceful if that was policy wouldn't it? Almost like somebody else thinks they own you.

You get to be able to do that when you break your chains and leave the plantation.

It also helps when you don't ask them to force other people to pay for things they don't like, but you like.
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So where do you get the form so none of your tax dollars get allocated for anything you don't beleive in?

Cuz i wanna fill one out so i dont have to pay for Iraq..
Check 'tax deductible expenses and donations'.

Rich people do it all the time.
Thank you for recognizing that not being forced to pay for something you don't personally approve of (or use) is what you'd like. It would be a lot more peaceful if that was policy wouldn't it? Almost like somebody else thinks they own you.

You get to be able to do that when you break your chains and leave the plantation.

It also helps when you don't ask them to force other people to pay for things they don't like, but you like.
If the government worked the way it was designed to work, we wouldn't be paying for things we don't support. People with power and money have influenced the government for their own interests outside of what the people actually want. In a perfect world, elected politicians would actually support the will of their constituents. Unfortunately we've allowed special interests to control policy. The answer is to elect people who've taken a solid stand against special interest influence, who've pledged not to take corporate bribes, and who've promised to represent the American people.
If the government worked the way it was designed to work, we wouldn't be paying for things we don't support. People with power and money have influenced the government for their own interests outside of what the people actually want. In a perfect world, elected politicians would actually support the will of their constituents. Unfortunately we've allowed special interests to control policy. The answer is to elect people who've taken a solid stand against special interest influence, who've pledged not to take corporate bribes, and who've promised to represent the American people.
We can't do that.

Too obvious.
We must do that. It is the only solution to this problem.

Those that stand in the way of that objective or obsessively try to smear it are the enemy of democracy
Public-private partnerships = regulatory capture.

Unlimited campaign funding = legalized bribery

Tax exemptions for the world's largest and most profitable corporations = beach of fiduciary duty to protect the public trust.

I could go on for days.

We're on the same page, brother.
"It sounds like a candidate like this would also give out candy and puppies at rallies.. I'm in"

-ending the war on drugs - the war on drugs disproportionately affects African Americans and minorities
-campaign finance reform - current rules of campaign finance, so called "legal contributions", disproportionately benefit old, white men
-universal healthcare - enacting a system of universal healthcare would help millions of African Americans and minorities
-ending the for profit private prison industry - the for profit private prison industry disproportionately incarcerates African Americans and minorities
-getting out of the current offensive wars, and avoiding further ones - African Americans and minorities are more likely to join the military as a result of poverty
-enacting a living wage for all Americans by law - African Americans and minorities are affected by poverty wages at a greater percentage than whites
-pledging to not accept corporate or PAC donations - corporate interests reflect old, white, Republican interests. Candidates who refuse corporate campaign contributions are effectively stifling old, white, Republican interests
"It sounds like a candidate like this would also give out candy and puppies at rallies.. I'm in"

-ending the war on drugs - the war on drugs disproportionately affects African Americans and minorities
-campaign finance reform - current rules of campaign finance, so called "legal contributions", disproportionately benefit old, white men
-universal healthcare - enacting a system of universal healthcare would help millions of African Americans and minorities
-ending the for profit private prison industry - the for profit private prison industry disproportionately incarcerates African Americans and minorities
-getting out of the current offensive wars, and avoiding further ones - African Americans and minorities are more likely to join the military as a result of poverty
-enacting a living wage for all Americans by law - African Americans and minorities are affected by poverty wages at a greater percentage than whites
-pledging to not accept corporate or PAC donations - corporate interests reflect old, white, Republican interests. Candidates who refuse corporate campaign contributions are effectively stifling old, white, Republican interests

let's talk some more about jordan peterson.

you guys seemed to stop defending him after i dug up his "rape wouldn;t be necessary if women weren;t so choosy" remarks

how can you call yourself a liberal in any way and support that neo-nazi hate monger?