What problems are these?


Well-Known Member
20130525_200706.jpg20130525_200805.jpg20130525_200735.jpg20130525_200718.jpg20130525_191632.jpg20130525_191639.jpgWant to know what you guys think these problems are my ph on all my plant are all in good range now so not sure what problems could be I read about phosphorus def with purple stems I have a product called super high phosphate 0-15-0 pebbles I could use also im have tiny brown spots on some middle leaves isn't that calcium def ive been using botanicare calmag 5ml per gallon should I be using more not sure


New Member
Let em dry out a little more between feedings/waterings. Looks like they're being overwatered.

and careful with the CalMag.. remember less is more sometimes.


New Member
Pick the pot up.. if its super light.. u'll know its time,, if not... it's not time.

I can only comment on what it looks like tho. Good luck.

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about purple stems, it's often just the strain. The pale leaves with spots look a bit nutrient burned, you might want to adjust the formula a bit. Other than that they look healthy.


Well-Known Member
I would say that you have what appear to be a Ca and Mg def from over use of calmag.

Back off the calmag until you see signs that they need it.



Well-Known Member
k so I should probably cut back on calmag 1/2 dose or 1/4 dose I use ro water also im starting to gets little brown rust spots up on tops leaves what might cause this im 24 days in flower