what purple strain is this?


Well-Known Member
hey im 3 weeks into flowering bagseed and one of the plants have started turning purple. can anyone tell what purple strain it is by looking at the pic? soz if the pic quality isn't the best.



Well-Known Member
Well where did the seeds come from?? If its just bagseed then it is impossible for someone to just look at it and say what it is. Name it yourself


Well-Known Member
As far as I know, any strain can turn purple. It has to do with the temperatures where you growing the plants. If temps drop below 65 the plant is more likely to turn purple. I dont know if this is the case for you, but regardless, the plants look good man.


Well-Known Member
leaves turn purple from cold temps. the plant in the picture is purple because of genetics. this is why the calyxes are purple not the leaves.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the replies. my average temp is 26 when lights are on and 23 when lights are off. she is looking nice can't wait to smoke her. i've heard alot of hype about purple strains. are they all they are hyped to be?


Active Member
lucky man that does look like Nirvana's Durban poision picture at seedboutique.com but I'm grown it right now and it doesnt look like that at all!! I'm fuckin jealous!!


Well-Known Member
I have a White Berry that is growin now, gettin into the last few weeks of flowering now. I just gotta find a way to drop the temps, The buds are just BEAUTIFUL would love to see em purple.