what r the best Ballast out on the market ???

The hydrofarm phantom ballasts have built in hot re-strike bulb protection and are the "best built".. all componentry is double resin coated. They're built like tanks.


I have lumateks, quantums, and these.. Won't buy anything but phantoms based on the re-strike protection feature alone. It's a great feature.

Solistek would be my 2nd choice
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The Cadillac of the ballasts is the Gavita....built by and for the

long established flower market in Holland it was a matter of seconds

that local weed growers got onto this, within 24 hours international

customers were clambering to get one,

nothing else compeers for cents/watt return

tho expensive to buy straight out,

long term the yields are worth every cent.

But there are hidden costs, bulbs are almost impossible to get

and you are expected to replace the inner reflector 1x times per year

that ain't cheap, its too brittle to clean, I tried ..! lol

when i bought mine, yes it does have japanese components. next...

software based? yes. software based. as opposed to hardware based.
you don't have a f'in clue what you are talking about.
I know EXACTLY what the fuk iam talking about . I simply asked a question about software based solistek. Go grow in your tent. Matter of fact most of you noob dildos can go suck one. Growing weed is easy to pull off something smokable. Too bad big egos go along with it. No humility anymore. And riu is full egos and assholes after 3 years of growing. I was warned before coming on here by good friends that have been gardening longer than alot of you been alive. Iam deleting my account. Later and good luck.You guys just chased off an old veteran that just wanted to help. Figure it out. Wonder why real pros dont get on these forums like they did Overgrow. The only one you guys got is Uncle Ben. Lol
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I know EXACTLY what the fuk iam talking about . I simply asked a question about software based solistek. Go grow in your tent. Matter of fact most of you noob dildos can go suck one. Growing weed is easy to pull off something smokable. Too bad big egos go along with it. No humility anymore. And riu is full egos and assholes after 3 years of growing. I was warned before coming on here by good friends that have been gardening longer than alot of you been alive. Iam deleting my account. Later and good luck.You guys just chased off an old veteran that just wanted to help. Figure it out. Wonder why real pros dont get on these forums like they did Overgrow. The only one you guys got is Uncle Ben. Lol


I got news for you ..Honey Sweetie Pie..

There was this JERK who never listened to his only buddy

Who signed up on a ship you can never leave ...

dumb really dumb ..

I'm glad that in the 2 months you been at

TROLL IT UP that you have made at least one buddy

YO ...don't tell me that it was your only friend Ben..?

please go back to Homo Grow! it suits U
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I know EXACTLY what the fuk iam talking about . I simply asked a question about software based solistek. Go grow in your tent. Matter of fact most of you noob dildos can go suck one. Growing weed is easy to pull off something smokable. Too bad big egos go along with it. No humility anymore. And riu is full egos and assholes after 3 years of growing. I was warned before coming on here by good friends that have been gardening longer than alot of you been alive. Iam deleting my account. Later and good luck.You guys just chased off an old veteran that just wanted to help. Figure it out. Wonder why real pros dont get on these forums like they did Overgrow. The only one you guys got is Uncle Ben. Lol

sorry to pee in your cheerios. you are the one who made the big bold statement that everybody here doesn't know crap about ballasts and they are all the same chinese crap. so i had to set you straight about the solis tek. and i could tell when you asked about it being software based that you had no clue what you were talking about. take a basic electronics class and come back and explain the difference b/t software and hardware based electronic devices.

adios... send me a forwarding address and i'll send some kleenex your way.

The Cadillac of the ballasts is the Gavita....built by and for the

long established flower market in Holland it was a matter of seconds

that local weed growers got onto this, within 24 hours international

customers were clambering to get one,

nothing else compeers for cents/watt return

tho expensive to buy straight out,

long term the yields are worth every cent.

But there are hidden costs, bulbs are almost impossible to get

and you are expected to replace the inner reflector 1x times per year

that ain't cheap, its too brittle to clean, I tried ..! lol


Are these 600 Gravitas compatible with an existing air cooled light fixture and will they run on 120V?

The website seems to indicate the 600 PRO series is 240V only? Are their lower series that say 120V/240V the same quality level?

I have a 6 yr. old ballast that I'm thinking of replacing, keeping the old as an emergency back up...but there seems to be complications sorting through these sites that advertise them...one makes you click on a 240V acknowledgement button before you can order...

I'm just a humble private grower here...not commercial, but I like quality equipment too...
Hi Tang, tho we prefer to differ on various threads,
I urge you not to install your old bulbs in any Gavita ballast
my Gav, 600w requires Gavita's own bulbs, double ended
that work a little different to the current market crap,
the ballast takes mu current! 240v and flicks it up to 400w
you will still be waiting a year to fry an egg on it (no citation needed)

Input Voltage: 240 Volt +/- 10%
External dim: Gavita Master Controller
External dim connector: RJ14 (6P4C)
Light Source: 600W 400V electronic single ended lamp
it needs Gavita's own EL bulbs
more here:

These are even more 'open' and highly flexible
and gaining good ground in a shoody market
Hi Tang, tho we prefer to differ on various threads,
I urge you not to install your old bulbs in any Gavita ballast
my Gav, 600w requires Gavita's own bulbs, double ended
that work a little different to the current market crap,
the ballast takes mu current! 240v and flicks it up to 400w
you will still be waiting a year to fry an egg on it (no citation needed)

Input Voltage: 240 Volt +/- 10%
External dim: Gavita Master Controller
External dim connector: RJ14 (6P4C)
Light Source: 600W 400V electronic single ended lamp
it needs Gavita's own EL bulbs
more here:

These are even more 'open' and highly flexible
and gaining good ground in a shoody market
Appreciate the info, thanks V!
You all need to do your research. Almost alp the digital ballasts out there are made in China. And there about 6 electronics companies withn China that makes all of them. THERE ALL THE SAME BALLASTS. Even the ones made closer to home import most of the internal circuitry from these same Chinese manufacturers. Exception ....maybe Gavita. Your old school coil and core ballasts might be made in the u.s.a. Hydrofarm might still bit i doubt it. Sunlight Supply/Sun Systems makes most of thier reflectors in Washington i believe. But make no mistake.....most digital dimmable fan or non fan cooled ballsts for hobby horticultural use ar made by the same small handful of companies in China. And they all swap internal circuitry.
That may be true. But.... not everything made in china should be written off as crap. That is old school thinking. In fact, china manufacters some quality product. iPhones comes to mind immediately...
Have a look at 1000 w HPS from dimlux expert lighting gravita are really really good dimlux in a different league though they cost a lot but worth every penny they can tell if a plant is struggling with heat then simulate a cloud passing when linked to there sensor and simulate sunrise sunset they can even tell if the leaves are loosing more moisture faster than the roots are taking it up awsome price of kit
I use 9x600 Mahimus digital ballasts for the last 3 years. They are great ballast very quiet and run very cool and cheap I got mine for $220 and have no noisy fans. The gravita will run very very hot u will need to run a set of good fans to keep the temp down
Do your research first..are you willing to spend a couple hundred dollars for what might be an incremental improvement in light? You might be better off investing in a high quality bulb instead. I've read a few grows that just switching to a good hortilux hps bulb increased yield substantially, some saying as much as 20%. If your going to spend the $$$ get a 1000W ballast and a bulb..keep your hood..if you can control the heat in your space.[/QUO

Hortilux bulbs rock!
I have a 4x4 tent with a 600W Phantom II Ballast/Hortilux eye bulb. I want to add another light in there, suggestions on wattage and brand?

Im 100% happy with Phantom but want to save some $. What do you think?
As a matter of fact most of the entire "hard goods" hobby hydroponic equipment is farmed out to China in some fashion. The big 5 distributors just import and.slap a "brand name" on it. Most of your cheaper inline fans, light ratchets, cheap mini splits, environmental controllers, etc. All made by a few Chinese manufacturers. Hydrofarm, Ngw, Sunleaves, etc. Just design it with a team in close contact with thier Chinese handlers and it gets produced. Brand wars and brand loyalty in this "industry" between customers/growers is pretty funny if you know what really goes on behind the scenes. And if you really want to know the truth....the whole "industry" (supplying equipment to dope growers is the dirty untold secret) was started in the Pacific Northwest by smart hippies in the late 1970's and early eighties in garages and small polebarns. Example....General Hydroponics, Applied Hydroponics (soon to be Hydrofarm but that was actually the name of their first system), Green Air Products, Light Manufacturing, Dynagro, Eco Enterprises. The list goes on and on. Even Superior Growers Supply here in good ole Michigan was an early pioneer. The only outfit in this state for a long time. Whoever had the balls to make the equipment or use the equipment made a SHIT LOAD OF MONEY.There was one big outfit that advertised inside the front cover of High Times. They got busted so bad by Operation Green Merchant in '89 that they now sell aquarium equipment. I know this because i bought my first 400 watt sodium from them before that. I had it sent ups to an abandoned house down the street when i was 15 years old. Lol. This is all pretty useless and doesnt mean much to most.of you but it does me. Because iam passionate about this and i was there. Very young but i was. As was Jorge Cervantes, Ed Rosenthal, Mel Frank, Clackamas Coot, Nevil Schoenmaker, Sam the Skunkman, Jack Herer, Captain Ed Adair....say what you want about these guys and some of the early books on dope growing but if it wasnt for them we would still be trying to grow dope with backyard "dirt" with incandescent light bulbs and boiling our roots.

THIS. Today is the golden age of indoor gardening- not only is the weed that inspired everything legal in many places now, but technology is bringing ever better equipment and techniques to this now very real industry.

I am one of these new pioneers, finding, integrating and spreading the word about new techniques and technologies that will feed us, medicate us and perhaps even house us. I know my dream home is a glorified greenhouse! And why not?
nope.. just 99% of it. they still make one mean eggroll.

We get the quality from China that we demand. Since we always demand a lower price instead, the Chinese, being a highly pragmatic people, are only too happy to oblige.

Want better quality? Be ready to pay for it- but don't blame the Chinese/Koreans/Vietnamese/Africans for SELLING US WHAT WE WANT.

Besides, have you ever tried to make an eggroll? I can manage wontons and pot stickers but them fuckin' eggrolls take TALENT, bro!
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Back to the original topic; in five years, you'll have trouble giving ballasts away, as COB LED prices continue to fall and their efficiency and performance continues to improve.

@REALSTYLES has a DIY COB LED panel over his veg right now that is 70% efficient. SEVENTY PERCENT!

If it is or drives a bulb, its day as the sun in your growroom is coming to an end- simply because no light source with a bulb in it comes close to the efficiency of COB LED. I'd hedge on spectrum... but no. Too many grows right here on RIU are showing that light from COBs grows pot very well, indeed.

You may now go back to deciding which steam locomotive you want.