What really pisses you off?


Well-Known Member
What pisses me off is falling asleep so damn early that I wake up at 2am with nothing to do but type this out on my damn keyboard.
its only 11pm for me. im in arizona. shooting guns. blowing shit up. it was 108F today, it will be 109F tomorrow. ive noticed my erections are bigger here than they were in Assachusetts.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I hate my boss! Guys a dick head to say the least that fuckers like 70 and lives in a garage behind his moms house..


Well-Known Member
Fiercly loyal too. Though I don't have many around anymore that are worth my loyalty. Death, miles, and jesus claimed most the good ones.
bearded men that die on crosses really rain on a fucking parade. i know the feeling man.

id smoke with ya. but im in the desert.


Well-Known Member
bearded men that die on crosses really rain on a fucking parade. i know the feeling man.

id smoke with ya. but im in the desert.
the guy gets ripped off and laughs about like it Jesus's plan for him to get ripped off so he should like it and just pray about it. Fuck that, getting ripped off is just some shady fuck that you didn't realize was being shady. Jesus shoulda kept his monies safe so he could spend it on his kid. Not some shysty mechanic. Worst part is that when it was happening I got word but because of repeated blowoffs and dismissals I stayed outta of it.


Well-Known Member
the guy gets ripped off and laughs about like it Jesus's plan for him to get ripped off so he should like it and just pray about it. Fuck that, getting ripped off is just some shady fuck that you didn't realize was being shady. Jesus shoulda kept his monies safe so he could spend it on his kid. Not some shysty mechanic. Worst part is that when it was happening I got word but because of repeated blowoffs and dismissals I stayed outta of it.
thats when you cut a motherfucker. you cut them deep.


Well-Known Member
thats when you cut a motherfucker. you cut them deep.

I cut the dude out. He kinda did the same to me first. Hurt my feelings man. Knew the guy for 30 years. Anyway I'll pick my issue tissues up now and go about talking about things that matter. Vapid music and television.


Well-Known Member
I cut the dude out. He kinda did the same to me first. Hurt my feelings man. Knew the guy for 30 years. Anyway I'll pick my issue tissues up now and go about talking about things that matter. Vapid music and television.
Chicks, guns, golf and cars are the things that matter in a mans life. Long term friends are a real bitch when they get cut off. I did that with an old college friend. He was doing too much coke and partying too much for me. I had to cut him out of my life. Really unfortunate, he was a cool dude.


Well-Known Member
Chicks, guns, golf and cars are the things that matter in a mans life. Long term friends are a real bitch when they get cut off. I did that with an old college friend. He was doing too much coke and partying too much for me. I had to cut him out of my life. Really unfortunate, he was a cool dude.
Ya know we've essentially owned RIU for the last half hour. lol


Well-Known Member
Ya know we've essentially owned RIU for the last half hour. lol
sunni is not around to govern it. my spider senses know when she's around. or she pm's me and tells me to shut it. tonight, she isnt around. so i yap.


Well-Known Member
rem the rules of the road if they hit u in the ass it is there fault .............and keep a axe handle in the car if not something else (cough cough shotgun cough) when i get a asshole on my ass i tap the breaks once if they back off fine if not then opps my foot slipped off the gas and hit the break and they hit the back of me ............my car is all paided off and i have no insurance so please for the love of god hit me............i like a new truck and could use a doctor check up for free i truly want one of theose sign borads so i can write a msgs to ppl and tell them .................on the front of the car is a bumper sticker written backwards ( if u can read this move faster or get out of my way) or my fav one ( cost money) u get caltrops (crowsfeet jacktrops) basically it is a spike that u throw out and it always lands with a point up cheap way to pop the tires if u are getting chased or if u got a asshole that needs to pay for being a dick (if we keep letting assholes be asshole with no punishments they will never change)
When you get an asshole riding your ass, does he have a bumper sticker that says " if u can read this move faster or get out of my way" written backwards?


Well-Known Member
For real though, I told them I was a vegetarian when I was getting booked and that night for dinner I got a baked potato, canned peas and one packet of salt. DAFUQ!!!! LOL
You should tell them you're Jewish and keep Kosher. They have to send out for it. Better food and it will be in a Styrofoam container instead of on a dirty plate.