What section of the cannabis laws in the place you live is laughably F*d-up?

I intend for this thread to be a bitching, complaining, whining or what-have-you thread about the cannabis law enacted in the county/state/country where you live, but please be chill with one another ;) I am sure there will be at least 1 gentleman who will suggest 'if you don't like it, move!' So, let me begin with mine.

Anyone who is proven to possess =/>15g, is automatically PRESUMNED to have INTENTION to TRAFFIC, unless proven such intention does no exist. So, in other words, if you got 15g on you, you are a f*king TRAFFICER (and carry a much heavy sentencing) unless you can prove that you have no intentions to traffic; you are guilty until disproven. You would have to prove you got no intention, how the F* are you supposed to do that? F*d up right? :wall:
our state's are just about as serious for any lg qty, but they did at least decrim for some smaller amounts. maybe medical in another year or 2, but recreational is still a long way off
Minimum 25 mile radius from retail outlet before you can grow 6 plants. I'm legal now but it's a matter of time before one opens up within that radius. Fortunately Carson City has a moratorium on legal weed distribution which is stupid too but works for me for now. One good thing is that you can keep what you grow but i'll probably smoke it all.
In Mass, we are legal for personal recreational use. You can possess, consume, gift, even grow Cannabis and make concentrates.

But you can't legally buy or sell it recreationally. Not flower, not concentrates, not even clones or seeds. So if you grow, there is no legal way to get seeds or clones unless a medical grower gives them to you.

It's doubtful that the anti's will let any rec grow farms or retail sales operations open. They have control of our cannabis control commission.

Now that is f'd up.
The whole process is slow and ridiculous. Florida legalized medical weed over a year ago now. They stated that they could open up shop by july 1st and if it gets delayed they have to legally open up by October 1st. No surprise to me, july 1st rolls around and they have a moratorium for the next 3 months. Oct 1st comes up and nothing, no shops, there wasn't even 1 single news article stating the next moratorium or anything marijuana related. They just acted as If the date meant nothing. Now its almost mid November and we still have no news on when we are supposed to have it.
Canadian provinces are talking about implementing height limits on plants. Not only is this ridiculous, it's completely unenforceable unless you're growing outdoors in plain sight - which isn't smart even in a legal setting due to theft and the such so I cant see most people doing that. What are they going to do? Have a registry of all people growing plants and visit them regularly to check up on the height of the plants? Without a warrant? I don't think so.

I've heard rumors that Nova Scotia wants their citizens to keep their cannabis under lock and key as if it were a firearm... This is just bizarre if its true. One of the most stupid things I have ever heard in regards to legislation. Whoever came up with this one must have been smoking some strong stuff at the time. :eyesmoke:
It is legal to buy and sell concentrates and edibles for medical purposes. The bud itself is illegal and cannot be possesed by individuals. Only the companies authorized to grow can posses the plant/bud and it cannot be bought or sold.

It ends up creating a market where anybody can make concentrates and edibles and sell them on the street as long as it is labeled 'natural medicinal product' while the kids who get caught with bud get perp-walked daily and accused of criminal enterprise and microtrafficking..... kinda fucked up....

Not everybody can afford a 30 to 80 dollar bottle of high quality concentrates from reputable pharmacy grade producers, and the lower priced options look very artesanal and not trust worthy.... no dates of manufacture, no info on solvents, nothing.... you could be buying a botttle of bud soaked diesel fuel on the street..... while the bud itself is illegal....

Messed up....
Its 100% illegal here, my doc knows i smoke and agreed its better for me than the pills they try to get me to take.
The doc would prescribe it if she could but in order to do that studies done here have to show its better for you than the pills but studies cant be done because its illegal.
Wtf :clap:
If police find me carrying a bottle of CBD oil, not weed or THC oil or anything psychoactive, I can be arrested and fined and/or jailed.

I think most "civilised" places have to go a long way to beat that.
Biggest mistake CA made is doing a plant count instead of square footage. Really a drag for the small time indoor grower who wants to SoG or keep a bunch of strains on deck. Sq ft is all that matters. Plant count is irrelevant. One plant could yield 1/4 oz or 5 lbs.

The first bill in CA to be voted on was 25 sq ft limit. Shame that one didn't pass.