What seedbank should i rely on to Victoria Australia ?

Man, I'll give you a solid tip. Dr. Greenthumb from Canada. He actually mails them out in a sealed pack - tucked away in a small envelope. I'm from Canada and I come and go to and from Australia. I've ordered Iranian G13 to Australia and it got here. Now I'll go one step more. I'll tell you that Dr. Greenthumb has a strain that is a more than two pound producer in your climate if you do the right soil and take care of your plants. We can't grow this plant outdoors in Canada because of the short season we have during summer. But if we had your light - weather patterns and outdoor growing was what we were doing, this would be your plant. G13. Not iranian G13. Go to dr greenthumbs seeds online and look at his grow journals. The plant is massive outdoors. There's also some greenthumb g13 threads here at roll it up. He says up to 4-5 pounds and that means a huge plant but make sure you give it good soil.

Now so I am not accused of being a spammer, I also suggest using hemp depot for other strains. I've ordered from there as well to inside Canada. I can't say whether or not they'd get to Australia as I have no experience doing that with this company but it does have a really good reputation. I'd like to suggest next generation seed company as well as kootenay mountain seed company. These are Canadian strains which will really impress the australian market.

Try Canadian guys.

Best wishes,


Oh, if you do try G13 outdoors, do not make the stupid mistake of planting a bunch together. They will be sticking out like sore thumbs and you will either get caught or you will get ripped off. Plant 1 every hundred meters from each other or something like that is my suggestion for it in the thick scrub. Find spots you wouldn't normally climb into or crawl through. You know the drill I'm sure. Good luck.
Sounds sweet as, buckets.. Will be looking forward to doing that if i end up getting a place down here!!!!

Or just get some my beans from back home send em to myself.. Got some killer :)
I love introducing other countries to Canadian smoke. Dr. Greenthumbs seeds are pricey and G13 - you only get 3 seeds for $200. He gives you an extra one when you order. But they are feminized via his method and you can grow them into clones and make many babies. The end result is many huge plants if you know what you're doing outside.

I hope more of you aussies try some of our Canadian strains though. Also, the latest and greatest thing is using a grow bag instead of a bucket or putting them into the ground. Huge root mass when you use smart pots.

Best of luck.
Yeah I've tried some Canadian genetics as I'm from WA state, not too far from y'all up in BC at least. Haven't complained about some real nice genetics out of there yet! So will definitely give the G 13 a try when I can! The yield sounds incredible! Something I won't pass up on :)

I brought 1 strain of Black widow down here to AUS last time I was here, never got a word from the buddy I let grow her if he took clones or not, but I hope so, it was a killer pheno at least the one I got.

Have yet to see any BW since ive been back though :( Would be nice to run into her!
Im a big believer in BC genetics, been growing BC Seeds big blue for nearly 15 years now and its still my favourite strain. Peak Seeds have some killer gear and High Grade have also got some killer gear, growing their version of big blue this year to see if its any different :)
I love many Canadian strains. However, I'd like to inform you that BC seeds.com isn't in canada anymore. They charged crazy money (up to $10,000 for ten seeds for some strains) and they made a shitload of money and then left Canada for Europe. That's where they operate now under a different name or perhaps they still use there name I'm not 100% sure. I got ripped off from them and so did a lot of other people. I don't know if that's who you are talking about eastcomo. I highly recommend dr. greenthumb and hempdepot.ca though. Both of which are located in Canada.
Not too sure dude, ive always got mine from a reseller.

Dont think i could ever justify spending $200 on 3 seeds though or even on 10 for that matter! Dont care how good the strain is!

Hemp depot have some ok prices though :)
yes, dr. greenthumb is pricey on some of his strains. I'll grant you that. If you purchased them you'd definately want to clone them. He is however the only guy that certify's his seeds but who knows what that means. SOme people have said that if they got a bad batch dr. greenthumb wouldn't replace them. I can't comment as that hasn't happened to me. Although I will say if you bought bc seeds seeds from them when they were in canada you paid anywhere from $100, 300, 595, 900. 1995 and upwards so I'm glad you found a reseller. Compared to them greenthumb was a lot cheaper. Yeah, no problem with the prices at hemp depot.

One thing I don't understand about Australia is how you can grow outdoors in sand? I see very little nutrition in the ground.

Talk soon,

Yeah i just wouldnt bother paying it in the first place from greenthumb, not worth it imho :)

hahaha Australia isnt all sand man :lol: a lot is clay, but clay holds a lot of nutrients, its just really fine particles. If its broken up and mixed with other mediums Aussie soils are unbelievable for growing ;) ive pulled some mega plants out of my backyard where i didnt even prep the clay, just planted it :)
I had no idea that plants could do that well. I'm here looking up to the sky wondering if they use helicopters to find grows but there's such a large area to cover especially in western australia as well as Victoria. I've not seen any horticulture stores which sold sunshine mix#4 which is what a lot of people use in north america. Now we have these things - bags actually, called smart pots. You don't dig a hole, you just figure out the size of the bag you want and mix your soil into that and your root mass ends up being massive. The downside is that they require more watering. However, they give off heat much better which provides better aeration for the roots. Plants get massive if you go 10 gallon size or more. I think I have seen variations of that bag here in Australia. Far better than growing in buckets as those retain heat and cook your roots in the australian sun. I wish I had a rural property where I could grow some plants. I'd be trying out G13 myself. Have a great day.
Yeah man there are helicopters but like you said, way too much area for them to monitor ;)

You can get air pots here too, just have to find a good hydro shop who stocks them, i'll be looking into them for my chillis next year :D

You have a good day too man :)
I agree with buckets, need myself a nice place to make myself some beautiful babies!!! Bring some of my familia methods down to the australian culture :)

Since this thread is pretty active, I'll ask here, I've heard of cases where someone has a bad disease such as cancer, AIDS or something along those lines and the AUS govt. okaying the use of cannabis? Can anyone confirm/deny this for me? Thanks!
Yeah dude, they do administer edibles for cancer patients and other debilitating diseases but that's about it so far!!
well holy crap. I wish I'd known that when I went through cancer treatment! There's some great areas for growing in rural victoria in the forest scrub off the highways. That super long highway to perth from melbourne to perth - the section from the border of south australia into perth was nothing but places to hide bodies. You'd have to bring in water tanks but I kept thinking as I drove through there, oh man, they'd grow big out there if you had a hidden spot a few km off the road in the scrub but tracks and water are a big issue. You have to bring in your water supplies. Then cover over your tracks. Camp out with the plants as roos would probably eat them and enjoy the stone just as our deer, moose, and cariboo enjoy chompin on ours.

If you do want some kind of information about what you can legally access, I'd suggest you write to your federal mp because they have to tell you. But I did see a thread about a guy in NSW selling something made from cannabis for pain and nausea. I'll see if I can locate his information. If you have cancer you should be self administering refined marijuana oil. Huge reduction in tumor growth. Plus use it as a preventative. And you smoke a bit or ingest a bit of the wacky tabacci if you feel sick after treatment.
Attitude ,,, heres a pic of the cotton candy seeds i got off them... But seed depot herbies , sannies, demon seeds just to name a few

Some cotton Candy

Just want to touch base with all as it's nearly 2014 and see what's the best for price and most reliable seed bank to aus... Vic is were I am and after reading around I'm still not %100 on who to use leaning towards seaofseeds or attitude seeds but herd a lot more bad about attitude then sos so just interested to get everyone thoughts now that it's late in the year and looking toward 2014 also anyone that has ordered from SOS can you please fill me in a lil bit on there shipping eg time and packaging which I'm sure would be nearly everyone's concerns when ordering from seed banks thanks in advance :)
Use Attitude man, get the guaranteed delivery option with a T-Shirt, i have always recieved my deliveries, dont listen to the other stories on the forum, for every bad experience, theres 100 good ones, they ship world wide to lots of people daily of course, occassionally they will fuck up, however if you have the guaranteed delivery, if they dont arrive within 21 days you contact them and they re-send them, no questions or issues. i wouldnt use anyone else.
[420]Haze;10057770 said:
Use Attitude man, get the guaranteed delivery option with a T-Shirt, i have always recieved my deliveries, dont listen to the other stories on the forum, for every bad experience, theres 100 good ones, they ship world wide to lots of people daily of course, occassionally they will fuck up, however if you have the guaranteed delivery, if they dont arrive within 21 days you contact them and they re-send them, no questions or issues. i wouldnt use anyone else.

Thanks heap bro ill def give them a crack I just received a order of free seeds the other month From cannablis.nl amazing those guys coz the first lot got lost over Christmas I chose a mix batch of autos 10 seeds 9 different strains and yea they got back to me after not getting them for over a month n a half apologising and saying they re sent me a new batch I got them within 2weeks was stoked and the have me 28 :) but yea always keen for more strains of juicy buds