What sex is my plant (your help would be appriecated!)


Active Member
Hi everyone-This my first grow attempt and have done much reading on the subject. I thought when the time came to determine the sex of my plant (this 1 of 5) I would be well prepared. I was wrong. Can anyone tell me what sex they believe it to be? Thanks for your help



Well-Known Member
kind of hard to tell, u got them in flowering yet? they look like early pistils to me but i could be wrong so dont qoute me on that ;)


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback. Veging for 30 days and now 8 days into flowering. Wasn't sure if its too early to determine sex.


Well-Known Member
it looks like a girl! mine were like that were theres like a long hair look/like thing from the nods and i have a girl...so its a female..i think


Well-Known Member
Theres no way to tell yet. And even if a plant begins to look like a girl/boy, don't get anxious because things change. Your looking in the right spot, juts keep growing them until you notice bunches of pollens sacks at the inter nodes. They will look like bunches of grapes.


Well-Known Member
I think it might be a male,

I'm 90% sure thats a male preflower in the third pic, Don't hold me to that though.

Also, your plants look a little stretched, what lights are you using?


Active Member
Thanks for everyone's help. I will post some new pictures sometime next week, hopfully the sex will be more obvious.

Yes the stems are very very stretched, remember this is my first time. For lighting I am using (1) Sunlite Lighting 85 Watt 6500K Compact Fluorescent Lamp 4200 lums and (2) 85 Watt 3000K Compact Fluorescent Lamp 4200 lums each.

When should a plant show its' sex? I am about 10 days into the flowering phase and things are getting very crowded which I know is not good.

Thanks Again!


Well-Known Member
i think its gay... i've heard within two weeks of flowering but if you see balls growing, throw it out.. unless you are into balls....


Active Member
i cant tell yet either. I've had plants grown from the same company and breed that have sexed at different times. With patience you'll know.....


Well-Known Member
Can't tell yet, its obvious when it does if you know what to look for. Most that I have experience with have shown sex before they went to flower.