What Sex Is My Plant?


Active Member
im sorry to say she is a cross dresser... jk its to early man... give it more if you realy want to know put it on 12 12 and you will find out in one week..
have you ever watched a male trying to act fem Seriously, I will watch suspected males outside of the room act like the fem counterparts. Maybe I am crazy but I can tell sex by growth pattern. Males cant change the process much, yet. LOL


Well-Known Member
Does any one no if a rooted clone will show sex if it 12/12 but only under a 6400k lamp
not looking to
fully flower just won't to sex my plants thanks
Where do you live? Where I live plants are showing pre flowers already


hi this is my first grow with two plant. dont no what they are as where just some seed i had laying about for 2 years lol has any one got any cule as what they could be thanks there are about 6 weeks into flower now??