What should i cross my Diesel with??

Hey RIU...been awhile since Ive been on here:joint:

I have a Dinafem Diesel strain thriving for years now...It is a huge producer..usually 100% clone rate...and it totally reaks of Chem/Fuel Phunk...

Out of 30 seeds of some of the best genetics from the ASB it out performed them all..

Only my pinetar pheno of MK ultra is stonier..

Since the Diesel seed was a free fem, i want to pollenate it to keep it forever...Thought about selfing it...then i thought better...

I have regular seeds of the following strains...Wreckage..Love Potion#1...Mandala#1..and Jack The Ripper

Im thinking about cracking 5 seeds of LP#1 and picking the best male to pollenate my diesel cut...




Well-Known Member
Mate, sounds like you are way ahead of most of us so why ask? It depends what traits you are looking for. Everything you are using has been so cross-bred anyhow, getting stability is going to be the problem.


Well-Known Member
I would mix it with the Mandala #1 as it is probably the closest to landrace, and therefore vigorous genetics. Or you could find a male of each and collect the pollen and brush a branch of each. Just remember to label! good luck and let us know how it works out