What should I do from here?


Well-Known Member
My friend said its male and female, this is my first grow (thats gotten this far) so I was wondering of advice to do from here, I was hoping to clone the female, what would be the ideal time to do that? They are both the same age, about 40 days old, Here's the pics: **o ya its outdoor btw**
Plant 1

Plant 2



Active Member
so are you saying your keeping two plants next to eachother...one male one female???? if so bad idea move them away from eachother


Well-Known Member
Plant 2's a male and he's gettin' ready to bust. Get it gone unless you want seeds. It may already be too late. Any open balls, or pollen on the male plants leaves below?
First looks female for sure. You may be over-watering.


Well-Known Member
It looks like he could be right but I would need a better close up of the male bits to really know.

Edit. I must need an eye exam, that is definately a bro there.


Well-Known Member
The female is already budding, and you probably will not be able to get clones off of her because she is so far into flowering and because it doesn't look like there is a decent spot to take one from. You need to hit the growfaq asap, not realizing that that plant is flowering shows that you still have ALOT to learn. No offense just a suggestion. Good luck on the rest of your growing.



Well-Known Member
Generally people don't they just get one harvest outdoors and start their plants much earlier in the season. But if you needed/wanted to you could keep them outdoors until dark and them bring them in and put them under lights indoors, but usually then you would be better off just making it an indoor grow. You are stuck in flower at this point just leave her alone and waste for your harvest.


Well-Known Member
If you move it in and out, I suspect an insect problem. It's tricky moving a plant inside in the first place, with no insect issues. I JUST did this and used a heavy-duty pyrethrum bomb to ensure two weeks of clean, then I'll spray with neems for the eggs.

You can re-veg the female after you harvest. Just don't cut the main stalk off at the dirt. Leave a little teeny bit of growth, don't feed, don't over-water, return to 24/0, or whatever, feed balanced after new growth starts thriving . . . about 3 weeks-1 month under fluros, myself. It's usually faster under mh.


Well-Known Member
The female is already budding, and you probably will not be able to get clones off of her because she is so far into flowering and because it doesn't look like there is a decent spot to take one from. You need to hit the growfaq asap, not realizing that that plant is flowering shows that you still have ALOT to learn. No offense just a suggestion. Good luck on the rest of your growing.

How is it budding when it's this young though?


New Member
Today is the equinox. The equinox is when there is exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of dark. From today on there will me one more minute of dark each day. (this lessening of daylight actually starts on the Summer solstice in June) In the plant world this means time is up, if you are going to reproduce you better get it done.

That is why your plant is budding already. Get that male away right now. It may already be too late. Male + female = seeds.

This winter you need to read up about photosynthisis so you don't become one of those guys that cuts their fan leaves off. Also read the growfaq as was suggested. Spend a lot of time on this forum reading other peoples grow journals. If their pics look great to you then see what they did so you can try that same thing.

I tell you, trying to grow weed can sure make a person wish they'd stayed awake in science class. :-P

How is it budding when it's this young though?


Well-Known Member
You can take clones off a budding plant. I Have done it many times even a month and a half into flower i have successfully cloned. Get rid of the male, he isnt going to be good for anything. I hope that was rain that watered your plant, because it looks like mud to me, MJ plants like to only be watered once in a while and like dry dirt just as much as wet dirt. Looks like a big bud strain with those huge leaves.