what should i do?+rep


Active Member
im still debating on doing sog and scrog, i dont really under stand nether of them but i got to do one of them, but im alil confused help me out?


Active Member
these are the rooms im going to make to have one of those methods in but im clueless plz elp me out alil i need sum advise? the first one is probly going to be mostly used but idk



Active Member
SOG is simple: you flower the plants when they are about 12 inches tall. Cut off the lower most branches as they tend to get the longest first. you can also top your 12 inch ladies and create more than one cola... Many small plants flowering at once Creates the "sea of green." Some would say that a perpetual harvest is also a part of SOG. With perpetual harvest, you have plants entering flower right as others are being harvested, this process overlaps and continues indefinitely for a perpetual harvest. you can do a SOG perpetual harvest with the room design you have in mind. You would start with mothers and get as many clones as you can. While those clones are maturing, your mothers are producing more clones for you. It can be done relatively easily. You must understand the basics of cloning and environment control for your plants.

SCROG is simple also. You start with one or two plants and you can low stress train these plants to lay over on their side. They will eventually put off shoots that grow upward from the side of the plant. Once you get shoots coming off, you would then FIM the tops of those shoots to create more nodes (bud sites). FIM is explained by MBLAZE in his tutorial on how to FIM. Just look it up. Eventually you set up a grid of rope or plastic above your plant. The idea is that this grid of rope or plastic will slow the upward growth of the plant and allow you to reposition branchs to unused portions of the grid. when you reposition branches, you expose vegetation below them that will grow up and take that spot. The Purpose behind SCROG is to increase yeild by increasing the size of your canopy. The larger you canopy is, the more branches you will have exposed, pointing upwards and hence, you will have more bud. SCROG takes longer than SOG, but you are guranteed a higher yeild per plant; although, you will also have less plants in a SCROG than you would in an SOG. If I were Someone that wants lots of bud and wants it faster I would go with a SOG.


Active Member
SOG is simple: you flower the plants when they are about 12 inches tall. Cut off the lower most branches as they tend to get the longest first. you can also top your 12 inch ladies and create more than one cola... Many small plants flowering at once Creates the "sea of green." Some would say that a perpetual harvest is also a part of SOG. With perpetual harvest, you have plants entering flower right as others are being harvested, this process overlaps and continues indefinitely for a perpetual harvest. you can do a SOG perpetual harvest with the room design you have in mind. You would start with mothers and get as many clones as you can. While those clones are maturing, your mothers are producing more clones for you. It can be done relatively easily. You must understand the basics of cloning and environment control for your plants.

SCROG is simple also. You start with one or two plants and you can low stress train these plants to lay over on their side. They will eventually put off shoots that grow upward from the side of the plant. Once you get shoots coming off, you would then FIM the tops of those shoots to create more nodes (bud sites). FIM is explained by MBLAZE in his tutorial on how to FIM. Just look it up. Eventually you set up a grid of rope or plastic above your plant. The idea is that this grid of rope or plastic will slow the upward growth of the plant and allow you to reposition branchs to unused portions of the grid. when you reposition branches, you expose vegetation below them that will grow up and take that spot. The Purpose behind SCROG is to increase yeild by increasing the size of your canopy. The larger you canopy is, the more branches you will have exposed, pointing upwards and hence, you will have more bud. SCROG takes longer than SOG, but you are guranteed a higher yeild per plant; although, you will also have less plants in a SCROG than you would in an SOG. If I were Someone that wants lots of bud and wants it faster I would go with a SOG.
thats sum good advice but which room would u pick to do sog and how axactly would i do it like i think it would be best to do the pic with just two room so i can have more room for them, but how do u maintain them to stay the same size and shit?


Active Member
depends on how many plants u want to grow. Sog needs alot n scrog only a few. scrog gives bigger denser buds but require more work bending the tops. i personally prefer scrog cuz u don't get any sucker buds at the bottom n the buds are really fat.


Well-Known Member
you must really like this super-cropping..i see you pushing it around so much might have to giveit a try
ahhah.. u bet.. im a huge believer.. check my crop!!! ull see y i like it.. klik my journal in my signature.. its like a fukkin sog with out all the hassels of watering... plus thats my boys thread.. gotta push it!!!


Well-Known Member
ahhah.. its like a fukkin sog with out all the hassels of watering... plus thats my boys thread.. gotta push it!!!
you dont water your plants?? just playing..lol..most soil SOG grows use some sort of mass watering..10-20-50 ect. plants at a time. be it manual or pump. I can water 15 plants at a time by hand in less time then it took to wright this..lol..


Active Member
I would choose the top of the box to do the SOG. Here is how I'd go about it. I would grow a mother in the bottom and LST it to grow horizontally. You need as many clones as you can fit in the top of the box. So, then you'd take as many clones from the mother as you could without killing her, then veg the clones in the top until they show roots. I guess about a week and a half would be good. Then, once thy have shown roots, go to 12/12. You may get more clones off of two mothers in the bottom. Once the top of the box is in flower, the mother should be regenerating shoots for more clones.

If you SCROG in the top, you could go with 2 plants side by side, and I would use hydro. Just a simple drip irrigation system and some rockwool in hydroton would work, Veg them until you have the mesh grid full. Then set to 12/12. Of course, you would have already taken clones and be incubating them in the bottom for the next round.


Well-Known Member
you dont water your plants?? just playing..lol..most soil SOG grows use some sort of mass watering..10-20-50 ect. plants at a time. be it manual or pump. I can water 15 plants at a time by hand in less time then it took to wright this..lol..
ya but u have 15 in one tub... i could do the same


Well-Known Member
well you said "its like a fukkin sog with out all the hassels of watering"
I was just saying watering a sog in small pots is not a hassle at all with a little forethought..


Well-Known Member
I'd go SOG over SCROG. Scrog is gonna take longer since the plant is going to veg longer. But will give more yield per plant.

But unless you are a legal medical grow with a limit on # of plants, SOG will get you weed faster; better use of the electrical costs.


Active Member
Cali love, although you have a valid question and I am sure someone would love to help you out, posting your question in this person's thread is called "hijacking a thread." I'm sure you don't intend to do that; so, why don't you go back to indoor growing section and select the "start a new thread" button. That way, people can see your question a lot easier. Oxy will appreciate that users can focus on his thread instead of your question. Thanx!


Active Member
If ur not doin hydro then go for sog cuz u can move ur plants around freely. There's ways you can rotate ur plants so that they all get even amounts of light.


Well-Known Member
Quick question. Are you starting from scratch all with the same strain? I've been debating this same question, until I remembered that I am growing 3 different strains. One always grows taller than the other two, so for ME, it'll be easier to do a scrog.