what should i do, tap water is killing


Well-Known Member
ay guys, i got 7 durga mata girls at the moment thay are 1 week into 12/12

and i am having hard core mg deficiency

im growing in pots with coco and feedign with lucas formula

now i after 5 grows with this setup /ferts i FINALY realized what makes my plants sick every time

lucas formula has lots of calcium but not too much, and it made for R/O water

but im usein g tap water so whats happening is all thje calcium in my tap water with lucas fomula. makes WAY to much calcium in the ferts. with then builds up in my pots and all the calcium is locking out MG,

so i eed help, WHAT OD I DO to salvage my grow from here, is it too late? im 1 week into flowering and lost about 6 large fan leaves on EACH

i just watered last night, should i go buy R/O water and flush and feed them tonight???or will that drown them

and is it safe to use water carbon water filters? liek the kind thay sell to filter tap water for drinking? will that remove the calcium??


Well-Known Member
ay guys, i got 7 durga mata girls at the moment thay are 1 week into 12/12

and i am having hard core mg deficiency

im growing in pots with coco and feedign with lucas formula

now i after 5 grows with this setup /ferts i FINALY realized what makes my plants sick every time

lucas formula has lots of calcium but not too much, and it made for R/O water

but im usein g tap water so whats happening is all thje calcium in my tap water with lucas fomula. makes WAY to much calcium in the ferts. with then builds up in my pots and all the calcium is locking out MG,

so i eed help, WHAT OD I DO to salvage my grow from here, is it too late? im 1 week into flowering and lost about 6 large fan leaves on EACH

i just watered last night, should i go buy R/O water and flush and feed them tonight???or will that drown them

and is it safe to use water carbon water filters? liek the kind thay sell to filter tap water for drinking? will that remove the calcium??
I heard filter waste of money, unless it a ro machine which costs money. I use distilled from store. Also do you let your tap water sit out 48n hrs open so chlorine can evaporate?


Well-Known Member
i dont let it sit anymore i used to,

the chlorine isnt the problem, its a combanation of lucas formula (high in calcium) mixing with my tap water (high in calcium)

causing too much calcium and locking out MG

i know the problem i just dont know what to do about it lol

so shoudl i w8 till the plants need watered again then flush with distilled water from the store, or would it be beter to flush them now (i just watered last night)

or have the plants been stunted to much at this critical stage (first week of flower) and i shoud not w8st more money on them???
like i said i lost 5 large fan leaves on the lower half of all the plants and new growsth tips are coming out twisted
the plants are about 18 inches tall (topped)

as for long term i dont know what i will do, without an R/O filter it jjust seems liek a w8st of time to even try to grow weed


Active Member
I would invest in RO. WHat do youhave for PPM? I would be very concerned if you are over 200. The water/nute combo isn't working for you...you can get a small RO system for under $300, well worth it given what you have invested thus far. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
ya my ppm out of tap is 200
and i realy like this nute formula,
so ya i think a R/O filter isa must

but do u think the plants will have low yeild even if i fix the problerm tonight wit hR/O water?

is the first 7 days of flowering with major MG lockout doing ireversable damage to the yeild??