what should I do to protect my plant from freezing?

I live in arizona and the waether is pefect for my girl right now. But the weather is on a decline and the freeze is a few weeks away. Are there anything I can do to my plant to protect her?


Well-Known Member
give more silicon to the plant will make it more cold resistant, you can make a pvc box for it and cover with clear plastic.

i had a plant survive 17f, gave it silicon most of its life. but very few will survive anywhere near this temp.


Well-Known Member
Just keep your heat on. If you have heat circulating in the room where your plant is it won't be below freezing.


Well-Known Member
Only while your lights are off and it is cold. Check your temperature gauge when the time comes and see if you need to have the heat on while the lights are off. The lights should provide plenty of heat so you wouldn't need to have your heat on unless you wanted it on. Cool thing about having at least a 400w hps being vented is you can use it to heat your place also during the winter. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Go to your garden supply place and tell them you want some cloches. A cloche is a styrofoam thingie that you
place on top of your plant when cold weather is coming. I use the small size cloche which is about 19 inches tall
and 12 inches wide at it's widest. Bonus -- I turn the cloche over and it makes a perfect 3-gallon pot!

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how far away the sun is...right now the sun by me is weak..sits real low in sky and only. Shines ten hours a day...cold temps stunt plants...the roots get cold n you won't Yield shit.