What should I do to this fan leaf?


Well-Known Member
bankcee, I'd like to offer a little general advice after seeing quite a few of your posts recently. I am by no means an expert, but I do well and have had no real issues in my 7 years of growing. I would suggest that you keep things simple initially and gain experience and expand your knowledge at a more reasonable pace. Enthusiasm and eagerness are great things, but I have a feeling you are reaching for too much, too quickly and making things much more complicated for yourself than necessary at this stage.

Set a goal of providing a decent amount of decent smoke for this grow, with a focus on just keeping your plants healthy. Don't worry about poundage, outdoor flowering schedules, defoliation, etc. at this point. This plant is really not very difficult to grow outside (I only have outside grow experience) so take it easy and get through a season or two while gaining skills and confidence. Good soil, simple nutes and a watchful eye will do it for you. I really think you'll be surprised at how well you do with a simple plan, then you can start adding tricks and treats when you know you can do this successfully at a basic level.

Best of luck, man. I hope you have much success.


Well-Known Member
I would say just fan leaves, personally. I grew my last plant outdoor and cut off any of the leaves that blocked light from any of the nodes. You have a fanleaf, that's the one that grows first, at each node. Then, directly above the fan leaf a chute will come out. On my plants, as soon as the chute begins I chop the leaf beneath it.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Yeah man i would say cut off every leaf on the plant ,,, i have read that you will get more yield ,, it must be true specially from growers on here .. Anyways IMG2540.jpg that is my plans from my 7 - 8 pound normally grown plant ,, plans are to take every leaf off i should get 10 - 12 pounds thoughts ???

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
when you say remove leaves? are you saying like remove growth shoots as well or just the lower, older 3 and 5 finger fan leaves? also does this effect the plant in any negative way? I've read a lot of debates about defolation being bad and good, good for indoor bad for outdoor.
Ive left just the stalk before and i got like 3 grams ...but i was 15 then and it was under my bedside reading light :)
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Well-Known Member
Went out and shot this as an example of a "minimalist" grow. This is OG Kush x Pineapple Thai, 10gal plastic pot, FFOF, MaxSea All Purpose for veg, MaxSea Bloom for flower, topped once. That's it. This can be done very simply.



Well-Known Member
bankcee, I'd like to offer a little general advice after seeing quite a few of your posts recently. I am by no means an expert, but I do well and have had no real issues in my 7 years of growing. I would suggest that you keep things simple initially and gain experience and expand your knowledge at a more reasonable pace. Enthusiasm and eagerness are great things, but I have a feeling you are reaching for too much, too quickly and making things much more complicated for yourself than necessary at this stage.

Set a goal of providing a decent amount of decent smoke for this grow, with a focus on just keeping your plants healthy. Don't worry about poundage, outdoor flowering schedules, defoliation, etc. at this point. This plant is really not very difficult to grow outside (I only have outside grow experience) so take it easy and get through a season or two while gaining skills and confidence. Good soil, simple nutes and a watchful eye will do it for you. I really think you'll be surprised at how well you do with a simple plan, then you can start adding tricks and treats when you know you can do this successfully at a basic level.

Best of luck, man. I hope you have much success.

thanks man but most of my problems and my largest one is these damn pests. everything else is dialed in. my soil is right. (well I think) my plants are happy and healthy other than the leaves I posted. I don't plan on doing defolation I just wanted to see what the mre experienced people think on that training or whatever. and I think outdoor flowering is something any grower should be worried about it. I'm just a quick learner, I'll be alright but thanks for the help man. I do appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Some people tend to take things out of context apparently, I was not saying to cut off all your leaves, that would be retarded. Just remove them as they get to the point of blocking light from more important growth (branching). If you need proof to see I'm not just talking shit to make you kill your plant look at my grow journal, Lemon Garlic OG in outdoor growing. It's documented on there and you can see at least how mine fared from doing this. There ARE people on here who get a kick out of making some poor kid ruin his crop but believe me, I am not one of them. I think knowledge should be shared to better the scene and each others personal experiences. Whether or not you choose to do the defoliage is up to you, but I have to tell you, I have had nothing but good results. However, I can only assume removing too many leaves at once can be detrimental to growth, but I usually cut or pluck 3-5 at a time, about a day before each feeding,and have not had any problems whatsoever. Keep up the good work, and just don't forget to take it easy. This is a process that does take finesse and knowledge, but don't be so afraid of learning things the hard way sometimes. Yeah, a plant with a good couple OZ's would be nice for personal use but don't expect huge trees on your first attempt. You could grow for a hundred years and still have something more to learn. Just keep up the good work and don't stop learning. Peace bro


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Some people tend to take things out of context apparently, I was not saying to cut off all your leaves, that would be retarded. Just remove them as they get to the point of blocking light from more important growth (branching). If you need proof to see I'm not just talking shit to make you kill your plant look at my grow journal, Lemon Garlic OG in outdoor growing. It's documented on there and you can see at least how mine fared from doing this. There ARE people on here who get a kick out of making some poor kid ruin his crop but believe me, I am not one of them. I think knowledge should be shared to better the scene and each others personal experiences. Whether or not you choose to do the defoliage is up to you, but I have to tell you, I have had nothing but good results. However, I can only assume removing too many leaves at once can be detrimental to growth, but I usually cut or pluck 3-5 at a time, about a day before each feeding,and have not had any problems whatsoever. Keep up the good work, and just don't forget to take it easy. This is a process that does take finesse and knowledge, but don't be so afraid of learning things the hard way sometimes. Yeah, a plant with a good couple OZ's would be nice for personal use but don't expect huge trees on your first attempt. You could grow for a hundred years and still have something more to learn. Just keep up the good work and don't stop learning. Peace bro

thanks fam. I honestly don't think I'll defoliate my girls just for the simple fact that there is so much controversy on that specific topic. not saying I don't believe you. just afraid of trying it, at this point. I'll stick to supercropping and lst and topping. hahaha

who was trying to kill my plants?