What should I do with the leaves?


Active Member
After harvesting, what should I do with the leaves?

Making hashish seems to be a lot of work, and I doubt I will have enough leaves.

Can I just smoke the leaves, like I would smoke tobacco, as a 'base', or should I cook the leaves, make caanabutter, ect.?

Any ideas, as I hate the thought of wasting them and disposing of them.


Well-Known Member
if you plan on growing again freeze them and save them until there is enough to make hash.


Active Member
the THC in the leaves is not enough to get stoned, so i've heard. id save it and make some hash.

I smoked leaves ones, it tasted like shit and didn't do anything.


Active Member

To make the hash, will a simple sieve do the job, or will i need one of the tee-shirt things in the video?