What Should I do?


Active Member
OK, so I'm new to the Arvada, Colorado area, and I can't find weed ANYWHERE. Are there is here are yuppie folks that wouln't know what weed even was. Ok so I was out behind my house and I find a big 5 foot cannabis plant. It smelt strong. I went closer to it and the leaves were shaped all weird, which made me think it wasn't cannabis. They kinda look like ruderalis leaves. It doesn't look like anybodys, after all its in the back of my house. Should I take it and smoke it or what?


Well-Known Member
think about someone else in the same situation as you. and then your plant gets stolen. karma always come back man. make your own choice

poo taco

Active Member
Awwwww damn! That shit is the bomb yo! You should grab that shit...put it in the microwave...dry it up...rollit in a big ass joint and smoke it yo!

poo taco

Active Member
Just kidding...really...I don't know what the fuck that is but it's not Cannabis...


Well-Known Member
its really not, people are giving you mixed answers, but dont really smoke this thing unless you see real buds

from what i saw it dose not look like marijuana, but post a pic in the daylight, and well be able to tell better
naw dude thats called a canadan super kush Blue Berry Scary Cherry Haze Mega Kill one fat ass blunt of the leafs u get so gone and if u grind it up u can sell it for $20 a gram over there so hurry and get it !!!!!!!!!!! :spew::spew::spew: