what should i do


Well-Known Member
This is an l.a. cheese plant that i started 24 days ago. did everything wrong from the get go. way to many nutes a 60w light, i did it all wrong. I changed the dirt and started using a 100w light while waiting for new light. plant gets about 15 hours of light a day. just changed it all. got a 105w, 400w equivelent, 5000k, 6200 lumens cfl. got a timer today gonna set for 18 hours of light. plants been foxfarm soil with bat guano and worm castings, with just water about every 3 days. got a 6" fan cooling everything down. i think plant looks terrible, wife thinks she looks fine. i've started an l.a. woman seed that i want to replace the cheese, now that i got all the right stuff. what do you experts think



Well-Known Member
That looks like a fairly healthy seedling you got going. For being 24 days old, I would definately say it was tortured, but there is no reason why it shouldn't grow into a full sized plant, just quit stressing her, and she should start to take off on you. Just water! No nutes or anything until she's much older.


Well-Known Member
your plant is stretched out from having the light too far away. you want a cfl no further than 6" from the plant


Well-Known Member
Should listen to your wife...that plant is small for its age...and streched, yes. Overall though, it looks healthy.

When you transplant this thing, bury that stalk as deep as you can to help shorten the plant. The stalk you bury will just turn into root later on. Get the lights closer, a CFL can actually get pretty damn close to a plant. Do a test, put your hand near your light, if it doesnt get really warm after about a minute of your hand being there then that should be a safe distance to keep it away from the plant. Keep an eye on distance though.

Keep it going. I'd even plant that other seed in case this one winds up male IMHO. That's just me though.

Your seeds, your grow.


Active Member
This is an l.a. cheese plant that i started 24 days ago. did everything wrong from the get go. way to many nutes a 60w light, i did it all wrong. I changed the dirt and started using a 100w light while waiting for new light. plant gets about 15 hours of light a day. just changed it all. got a 105w, 400w equivelent, 5000k, 6200 lumens cfl. got a timer today gonna set for 18 hours of light. plants been foxfarm soil with bat guano and worm castings, with just water about every 3 days. got a 6" fan cooling everything down. i think plant looks terrible, wife thinks she looks fine. i've started an l.a. woman seed that i want to replace the cheese, now that i got all the right stuff. what do you experts think
DO NOT NUTE DO NOT NUTE DO NOT NUTE,Fuck man the ff soil hold enough nute for at least 30 days u will burn the shit out of them,I use fox farm's my nutes are big bloom and tiger bloom in flower but never nute that early plant doen't need it,GOOD LUCK BRO!!