What should i do?

Very long story short I have this plant and am working on my grow room so I cant put it in there. What do you think I should do with it. Its around a month and one week old its been topped. Can I flower it or chop it up and do something with it I would hate myself for life if I just destroyed it. any advice is appreciated.
Plantside11-5-2015.jpg PlantTop11-5-2015.jpg Plantinside11-5-2015.jpg


Well-Known Member
If you have vegged it for a 5 weeks and you made the effort to top it your definitely going to get more than 1gram come on surely you've grown before? It doesn't really matter what any one of us think or say you'll do what you want with it anyway
If you have vegged it for a 5 weeks and you made the effort to top it your definitely going to get more than 1gram come on surely you've grown before? It doesn't really matter what any one of us think or say you'll do what you want with it anyway
I'm going to start flowering Monday what the hell right. Nope my first time. Your right doesn't matter what anyone else say people will do whatever they want. thanks for the advice. around thanksgiving my set up will be complete 2.5ft x 2.5ft x 5ft for flower and 2.5ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft veg room ill be posting that whole grow. Thinking 1 big plant or 2 mid what do you think?


Well-Known Member
also with such a small area probably stick with indica strains, your not allowing much room for a light if that's even enough space for a reflector.
worse comes to worse stick the plant out in the backyard, obviously not in plain site if its illegal in your country.
but just somewhere nice where it can get sun but also where it isn't completely obvious.
Nice looking plant.
Thanks first time ever. topped it for what I have know. I'm currently setting up my closet (2.5ft x 2.5ft x 5ft) with a veg room on top (2.5ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft) Going to be growing another pure kush for that. going to be posting a lot about that one. also had problems with mites. had bad soil learned my lesson. using FFOF for the closet.