What should I expect to see??? (pics)


Active Member
The strain is "OG" per the dispensary from whence it came, if that is familiar to anyone. I have a few questions, with a couple pics below to show you the growth rate.

This plant it growing pretty damn fast, but it seems pretty stretched out to me. I was wondering, will this keep getting tall, or will it settle down and fill in with more leaves?

It already has "pre-flowers", but it had those when I got the clone. So I imagine I can just let it grow as much as I want before I set it to flower. Is that a correct assumption?

This has only been in veg (clone cube put in hydroton) for a little more than 2 weeks, but it looks like it might be a pretty fast grow. How much more time would you recommend, or better, at what point should I put this in flower?

February 12, 2011:

February 28, 2011


Well-Known Member
you can let plants veg as long as you want just remember that they will double, triple, even quadruple in size once you flower so take that into consideration


Active Member
So if I put this little lady in flower now, despite being only vegged for 16-17 days, at about 17 inches tall, it's not too early

Also, should I clone before I put her in flower, or after?


Well-Known Member
im a newbie so i dont know about the cloning. ive heard about ppl doing it after flower but again im new and dont know. but imo you can flower at any time i believe general rule of thumb would be about 17 18in imo, but ive heard of ppl doing it when its smaller.....hope that helps


Active Member
if you clone, you always want to clone while the plant is in veg, and put the clone in veg light cycle. remember the clone is the exact plant that you cut it from. if you clone a flowering plant. the clone will be ready to flower. you could potentially hermie it up by cloning in flower and then trying to put it back in veg. it has not bidded so it cant rly regen.

and yes you can bud when ever its mature enough, and it is mature enough.


Well-Known Member
if you clone, you always want to clone while the plant is in veg, and put the clone in veg light cycle. remember the clone is the exact plant that you cut it from. if you clone a flowering plant. the clone will be ready to flower. you could potentially hermie it up by cloning in flower and then trying to put it back in veg. it has not bidded so it cant rly regen.
and thats what make me a newbie lol


Active Member
if you clone, you always want to clone while the plant is in veg, and put the clone in veg light cycle. remember the clone is the exact plant that you cut it from. if you clone a flowering plant. the clone will be ready to flower. you could potentially hermie it up by cloning in flower and then trying to put it back in veg. it has not bidded so it cant rly regen.

and yes you can bud when ever its mature enough, and it is mature enough.
Sweet, I was worried about the lack of dense leaf coverage being a sign of immaturity. Thanks for the great info.


Active Member
are you asking if your plant on the left will fill out like the plant on the right? Plants from seed are like brothers and sisters. have you ever seen two brothers that looked the same when they weren't twins? Plants are the same. Each has their own features.

Clone from the plant while it is in veg or else the clone will take forever for it to go back to veg and may stress it to death. IMO they are both too small for flower. 3 feet is the smallest you want to flower them at unless you scrog


Active Member
The one on the right came from bagseed and is of unknown strain. I was wondering if it was going to fill out more, though.

3' you say? So, based on what I have been told, it could be 6' or more after flower?

Well fuck. My grow closet is just that, a closet. I have the lights hanging on the hangar rods. I am thinking if I waited until 3', they would be touching the glass on the reflector. Fuck.