What should I get? My first time


Hey guys, had in mind to start growing for the first time at home. Have a 78 inches high wardrobe, the bottom surface is (22x22) inches
Iam thinking about buying Indica seeds because I read that they are good to grow indoors, what do you think about that? I have red some guides about growing indoors but Iam still not sure about what kind of light and materials I should get.
So what lights should I buy and how can I make the plants smell as little as possible. I live with my parents and dont want them to either hear the fans or smell the plants. How much will all this cost approximately?(I live in Europe) I dont have much money at the moment so I want to spend as little money as possible. And also how many plants can I fit in my closet 2-4? How long will it take til I can harvest my plants?

This is some pictures of my closet that is attached to the wall and a picture of a old computer case, maybe I should start growing in my pc?

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Peace Dave


Well-Known Member
in the end they will find it
light 200w of t5
maybes 150-180w blackstar led or another quality one
fan 4" high pressure fan with a carbon filter and access to fresh air for the intake

seeds wont have to be indica but its up to you

maybe get a low odor nl or blue mystic


Thans for the tip. Do you know any website or particular store I can buy thesee material for a cheap price?

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Cannot suggest you grow without asking/telling them; your hobby is not invisible in your parent's house. What is your budget and what are your goals...expect both to change.....


Maybe you are right , but I cant ask my parents about that because I know that they wont allow it. My budget is around 140 usd, but I can get more money if I have to. Maybe I can grow somewhere else in my room or somewhere outdoors? My goal is to get as much as weed as possible and smoke it


Well-Known Member
I bought a 400w Mh/Hps HID lighting kit off of ebay that came with a ballast, hood, yo yo hangers, analog or digital timer, and a metal hylide and HPS bulb. It was under $200 w/ shipping and handling. There are shit loads of different styles of lights on ebay to choose from. Just make sure that you get one that will work in the UK since the outlet connections are different than here in the US. I bought an external carbon filter as well off of ebay. I didn't want to cut holkes in my walls for an exhaust fan and ducting as well as a carbon filter. I doubt that it works as well as the carbon filter that most people are accustomed to, but it does help to control the smell some. If you are serious about growing then you better ask permission from your parents. They will find out if you try to grow in their house, so don't try to do it in secret. Good luck!


Active Member
I never ask my parents to grow, just bought all the equipment one day and before i knew it my Dad was helping build a room lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
a 400w would cooks his plants in that space its less than 2x2

a 250w would be the very max even thats quite large
I got 12g's dried from mexican bagseed in a pc from one plant a 12/12 grow.. the finished product smelled and smoked like lemon skunk and it got me super baked...You can definitely get more than that I believe since I totally fucked up nearly everything to the point the thing was sending out leaves everywhere during flowering until i fixed the issue (exhaust wasn't running)..lol. Depends how much you want to smoke. It was uber stealth too. Id say go for it.


Yeah I wont be able to grow in my closet without parents noticing. Someone know any good tutorials or guides how to make a pc grow box? or some other stealth grow box?
Seems very stealth and how much would I be able to harvest ? Is my chassi big enough?


Well-Known Member
Don't use a PC box if you can help it. The plants won't have much room once you put in lights. IMO. If you go with the tall closet you should try and put lights on side and go with one tall plant.


Well-Known Member
Grow outside in the spring, off your parents' property. Even if they won't find it (and they will -- these plants stink to high heaven, so either they'll smell it or they're hear the sound of the air filters you're going to be running or they'll notice the huge spike in electricity usage and figure out what's going on) it seems really lame of you simultaneously to be afraid to discuss it with them because you think they'll say no but also be willing to put them at risk.

It's not very, uh, mature. So don't involve them and grow off their property. Look at the GREAT thread on Guerilla Growing. It'll give you all kinds of info on picking a spot.


If you think you are going to grow in your closet at home without your parents finding out, you have another thing coming. If you don't have an inline fan and a carbon filter, your WHOLE house will stink.....not just your bedroom or your closet. The smell will permeate through your entire house. If you run a fan with a carbon filter - they are noisy little buggers. Your parents will 100% hear the noise. I have my grow tent in the furnace room because you can't tell the difference between the inline fan and fan from the furnace in terms of sound. Also (as noted above) you will be using a fair bit of electricity. Now if you use T5 lights or CFLs, you might be able to get a way with it as the electricity will only be a bit more expensive.

You also have a serious problem on a budget of $140. There is no way you can buy a filter, ducting, lights, nutrients etc. with that kind of a budget. The capital expense to get started is fairly high (no pun intended). However, the cost of each subsequent grow is much cheaper. Believe me, I'm not trying to rain on your parade. I'm trying to help you avoid spending money on a project you won't be able to complete or, even if you do complete it, you will not be happy with the results. If I were you, I'd take my $140 and buy a half oz of HQ. That's money better spent in my own very humble opinion.