What should my indoor soil pH be?


Well-Known Member
I am wondering what the pH of soil should be before adding nutrients. I took some of my soil put it in a solo cup with holes in it and ran a gallon of water through it. Tested the water to be a pH of 7.0. Catching the runoff the soil tested to be around 5.3 - 5.6. Is that normal? Is that too low? If so should I take my soil (Fafard brand) and mix it up with some lime?

I have month old clones in this soil right now and I only watered with 7.0 pH water (no feedings yet) and they are doing great! Can the soil pH really be ~5.8 and the plants still do so good? Is my crappy pH tester kit wrong? (I need a digital one I know!)

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
If its the farfard in the blue bag its allright you just ph balance your nutes at 6.5 and dont worry what your runnoff is..peace


Well-Known Member
If its the farfard in the blue bag its allright you just ph balance your nutes at 6.5 and dont worry what your runnoff is..peace
It's not the 3B mix if thats what you're referring to. Its the professional potting mix kind. Anyway so just pH up my feeding solution? What's a good pH to raise the solution to before water?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Your nutes should be between 6.0 and 6.8 anywhere in that range works fine.I use fox farm soil but the local hardware carries fafard and Ive got some plain potting soil for my clones now


Well-Known Member
Your nutes should be between 6.0 and 6.8 anywhere in that range works fine.I use fox farm soil but the local hardware carries fafard and Ive got some plain potting soil for my clones now
Thanks for the advice man! Last question is do I just use pH UP buffer or can I just use a little dolomite lime? Thanks again :weed:

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
You just adjust your nutes and water everytime and your grow will be fine.Dont worry about lime,that soil your useing is pretty good compared to most

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Have your got a dropper ph test kit for your nutes,they are only about 5 bucks.A cheap meter without calibration solution is useless..


Active Member
Cheap, effective lime for soil grows- around $4 for a 5 lb bag:

Works best to add this to scalding hot water, mix well and let the water cool off to 90 or less before using.


Well-Known Member
Have your got a dropper ph test kit for your nutes,they are only about 5 bucks.A cheap meter without calibration solution is useless..
I have a pH dropper kit. It just gets annoying trying to match up colors. And I swear molasses changes the color and makes it hard to read. I am going to buy a meter soon I want to see a digital readout! How does the calibration solution work? You have to pujt the meter in the solution to calibrate it?

So basically pH my plain waterings to 7.0 pH and nutes to around 6.2 or 6.5?

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
You got it,your grow will kick ass if you do this everytime.I see people say they dont do this but your plants and yield will suffer,You just dip your meter in the solution and it recalibrates it.When you get a meter get make sure you get some solution..peace


Well-Known Member
You got it,your grow will kick ass if you do this everytime.I see people say they dont do this but your plants and yield will suffer,You just dip your meter in the solution and it recalibrates it.When you get a meter get make sure you get some solution..peace
I appreciate all your help man! The reason this all came up is because I have this constant problem of fan leaves yellowing and dying too early in flower and buds are a little smaller than I'd like. I know leaves are supposed to yellow in late flowering.

Here is a picture of my White Rhino at week 5, week 6 (dont have a picture) the leaves were not only yellow but patchy with dark spots - some sort of potassium deficiency.

The second picture is of my AMS and it is doing fine - same soil, feeding etc...


Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I add a little nitrogen up till my fifth week flowering and I dont have yellowing anymore.Ive been useing jamaican gauno and it stops the yellowing.Jamaican guano has some nitrogen and really boost the buds late in..peace


Well-Known Member
I add a little nitrogen up till my fifth week flowering and I dont have yellowing anymore.Ive been useing jamaican gauno and it stops the yellowing.Jamaican guano has some nitrogen and really boost the buds late in..peace
lol good idea. I never thought to just give them a continual dose of nitrogen up till week 5. I was just being purely reactive, when I saw N problem I added some. Better to just prevent the problem lol. Thanks for the common sense (light bulb) :joint: