What should we "do" about ISIS?

Easier said than done....
I know, but it's an honest answer.
How about this...
We pull ALL of our troops from all over the world, and set up our defences here. Then we release a press conference.
"So we still got mad weapons we aint fixing to use, but we all posting up on our borders, come fuck with us.
P.S. Don't fuck wit us, we're mentally unstable, and hella hard."

That would be ignorant, and interesting.
We should give everyone, not just ISIS, a reason to not hate us.
It's just fear/war mongering.
As JJ said, genie outta the bottle...problem is past arrogant actions pissed them off; and all humans have a well honed capacity for hate and bitterness, regardless of how "well developed" their culture is. And, all actions always present unforseen opportunities for someone hungry for power and control. Even if we completely walked away and left them alone, we and all the west are a target now. Its a culture war and a vying for world power.

Genie out of the bottle
As JJ said, genie outta the bottle...problem is past arrogant actions pissed them off; and all humans have a well honed capacity for hate and bitterness, regardless of how "well developed" their culture is. And, all actions always present unforseen opportunities for someone hungry for power and control. Even if we completely walked away and left them alone, we and all the west are a target now. Its a culture war and a vying for world power.

Genie out of the bottle
I thought genies were in lamps its not Aladdin and the bottle...its Aladdin and the lamp...just saying DBP...I just made that up its internet for dont be pissed
What should we "do" about ISIS? ban all religion , all religion has ever done for man kind is set them back , nothing ever positive has ever come from religion , .......fraud , murder , genocide, hatred , death, violence, brain washing , child abuse , war, death , extermination , jealously, etc etc