what size grow tent should i use?


Active Member
I want to start growing hydro after my first grow just turned sour outdoors and my plants were eaten by f*****g bugs,
i want to grow about 10 medium size plants but dont know what size tent to buy/make and also i need room for the lights, carbon filter ect inside the tent/box.
please help thanks in advanced.


Well-Known Member
I gotta 4 x 8 x 7 and I did 20. Don't reccomend that many tho. This next up I'mma do 12, 6 per side and plenty of room, w/ 2 600W in there and its perfect for me.

What lights were you thinkin about?

if you do 10 that'll be nice and a lil extra room never hurt either, imo.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about depth or height but I would definitely make sure it's as long as a piece of string:-P


Active Member
im thinking of using a HPS, wattage would also be a concern becuase of heat build up. And im also planning on doing 12/12 from seed,
i would idealy like between 10-20 plants, and im looking for a complete set-up not just the tent.


Active Member
Or i was also thinking i could use LED lights but dont know much about them so advice would be greatly apprietated and i also apolagies for spelling lol


Well-Known Member
Entire setups you can buy right off the bat IMO are a bit overpriced. You can check my sig for a link to the setup I bought. You can find bigger lights as well.


Well-Known Member
I want to start growing hydro after my first grow just turned sour outdoors and my plants were eaten by f*****g bugs,
i want to grow about 10 medium size plants but dont know what size tent to buy/make and also i need room for the lights, carbon filter ect inside the tent/box.
please help thanks in advanced.
9-11 medium sized plants in a 4x6 tent with 1200 watts (2hps) has been a good garden here for a while.
With a heavy stretching strain, 8 with tomato cages works great.

If you want room to work, space to mount fan on the floor, etc... get a 4x8, with a 3x6 tray, over 2 600s. The 4x6 1200 watts garden is a tight fit.

If you are wanting to go fluoro, I would love to see someone flower under T12 8 ft bulbs. I saw a setup once a while ago. He swears that they work better than t8s or t5s.
8 x 3 garden with 4-8 t12s would be rad. Hoping to get a chance to try it one day.


Well-Known Member
just wanna pitch in that hydro is a more difficult stepping stone for beginners than soil is, even indoors
I agree but then again I disagree. I am now 100% hydro. I grew once in soil, it was IMO more difficult than hydro. Hydro is easy IF you flow the correct steps, DO the research and READ READ READ.

That being said. I grow with a waterfarm, grow tent and scrog screen. It IMO is the best way to grow if you have limited space but want maximum yield. My first grow I got a bit over 5oz. Much, much more can be had.


Well-Known Member
I gotta 4 x 8 x 7 and I did 20. Don't reccomend that many tho. This next up I'mma do 12, 6 per side and plenty of room, w/ 2 600W in there and its perfect for me.

i am upgrading from a 4x4 to a 4x8 with 2 600s. was thinking 6 in 7gal pots....wow 20, if i get another card i can do 12. what size pots are you using for 12? do you have a dehumidifer? what size for this size tent? i still need to get one.