What size pots should my 3 foot girls be un when I flip them?


Not sure how big my pots should be I have 44 girls under 20 horizontal 600 wt bulbs and 30 vertical 1000wt bulbs. I have lots of space, co2 and intake/outtake on timers.


Active Member
Someone with a grow of that size should already know that answer. I'll assume they were clones gone right from a short veg to flower, no topping or lst? Plant size width use will have a bearing on it too, not just height. If my assumptions are right 3 gallon will work.


Thanks for reply. I vegged for 6 weeks last time and had a few problems with leaves yellowing and dying. I use 15 gallon pots and have been told they were too small by one friend and that they were too big b another. Looking for an experienced tree grower for some input. I'm thinking 20s this to
E bug not sure


Active Member
Yeah ok. Lol. I was thinking the were going from clone to flower. A six week veg in a 15 gallon pot should be plenty though. Your gonna have to wait for the large scale growers to help ya on this I think.


Well-Known Member
They are only 3 feet after six weeks veg and that much light? How are you training them? I'm pretty sure you are way beyond your plants light saturation point... you may want to look into that.

15 gal ought to be alright, I think 10 gal would even be able to suffice, but it's not like an excess amount of soil is going to be detrimental.