What soil for seedlings?


First let me start by saying I did search and really didn't find a direct answer. I have decided that I'm going to use FF Ocean Forest but I was doing some reading on here specifically this sticky,https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/937-how-grow-marijuana.html

So I was wondering what type of soil do I need to start my seedlings in? From what Widow maker was saying in this sticky ffof is to strong for seedlings so he recommended ff light warrior.? Is there a cheaper alternative for the seedlings or is this my best bet?

I'm germinating the seeds right now and plan on picking up the materials tomorrow. I was going to use 16oz dixie cups to start and just wrap plastic over the top for the first couple weeks and place in indirect sunlight then transplant to their final pots with the ffof. Does it sound like I'm on the right track? Thanks for taking the time to read!


Active Member
First let me start by saying I did search and really didn't find a direct answer. I have decided that I'm going to use FF Ocean Forest but I was doing some reading on here specifically this sticky,https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/937-how-grow-marijuana.html

So I was wondering what type of soil do I need to start my seedlings in? From what Widow maker was saying in this sticky ffof is to strong for seedlings so he recommended ff light warrior.?

I'm germinating the seeds right now and plan on picking up the materials tomorrow. I was going to use 16oz dixie cups to start and just wrap plastic over the top for the first couple weeks and place in indirect sunlight then transplant to their final pots with the ffof. Does it sound like I'm on the right track? Thanks for taking the time to read!
fox farms light warripir worked great for me. after germ i placed in dixie cups, after 3 weeks there were more roots than there was plant!


fox farms light warripir worked great for me. after germ i placed in dixie cups, after 3 weeks there were more roots than there was plant!
I might have to pick up a bag of that aswell..

What would be the difference in that then say starting them off in rockwell cubes?


Oh and do you guys think its necessary to cover the dixie cups with plastic?


bud bootlegger
i use ffof and have never noticed it being too hot for my seedlings, although i too have read a lot pf people saying otherwise.. i germ in a papertowel and go right into the ffof and haven't had a problem as of yet, about ten sets of seedlings or so later, but i also don't use any nutes for the first three or so weeks at all till i start to notice that they are looking hungry, maybe that is the difference, idk..


Yea thats what I was originally planning on doing but then I read that sticky and got paranoid lol.. I don't plan on adding any nutes until its needed aswell but I'm still weighing the options before I go tommorrow.

FF light warrior
Rockwool cubes
Stick with FFOF


bud bootlegger
i was thinking about trying rockwool cubes this time around as well, but my hydro store doesn't carry them, i know, i know... but instead, i picked up some rapid rooters and used them, and they have been working great thus far.. once the seedlings take root pretty well, i take the rapid rooter and put them in a party cup filled with straight vermiculate for two of them, and for two, i put them into straight ffof... i am using the ones with the vermiculate like a small hempy pot, i have a hole cut about an inch or so from the bottom of the party cup, and i just water with light nutes till i have some overflow out of the hole.. there is about an inch or so of light nute mix in the bottom of the cups.. and i mean light.. like less that 1/4 or so.. they seem to be doing well like this.. the two i have in the rooters and the ffof also seem to be doing just as well, lol..
i have a bigger hempy bucket all ready for when they get a lil bigger.. this is my first try at the hempy bucket system, but it seems like something i can get into and is working well for me..


i was thinking about trying rockwool cubes this time around as well, but my hydro store doesn't carry them, i know, i know... but instead, i picked up some rapid rooters and used them, and they have been working great thus far.. once the seedlings take root pretty well, i take the rapid rooter and put them in a party cup filled with straight vermiculate for two of them, and for two, i put them into straight ffof... i am using the ones with the vermiculate like a small hempy pot, i have a hole cut about an inch or so from the bottom of the party cup, and i just water with light nutes till i have some overflow out of the hole.. there is about an inch or so of light nute mix in the bottom of the cups.. and i mean light.. like less that 1/4 or so.. they seem to be doing well like this.. the two i have in the rooters and the ffof also seem to be doing just as well, lol..
i have a bigger hempy bucket all ready for when they get a lil bigger.. this is my first try at the hempy bucket system, but it seems like something i can get into and is working well for me..
Nice, you have to keep me posted on which way seems to be working better. I think I'm gonna do the same thing though. Split it up half and half and see which way works better for me! I


Got my rockwool yesterday. Put 8 in rockwool, 3 "that already popped" straight in FFOF. 5 still germing. I'll keep this updated as to how they turn out for me. Thanks for the help.:weed:


Well-Known Member
light warrior is great but i prefer ocean forest. doesnt really matter though fox farm is great stuff, make sure you have plenty of perlite too
seedlings: 60:40 (soil to perlite)
transplant 70:30


light warrior is great but i prefer ocean forest. doesnt really matter though fox farm is great stuff, make sure you have plenty of perlite too
seedlings: 60:40 (soil to perlite)
transplant 70:30
Damn, I guess I'll be pickin up some perlite. Thanks for the tip.


Quick update,
I had some extra bagseed laying around so I germed a couple for a few days. 2 were showing roots and the others nothing. I decided to just take them and throw them in the ground and sprinkle some ffof on them because I ordered some short rider recently and I wanted to get some practice germinating. I sprinkled some water over the soil and to my supprise the next day 4 little sprouts are emerging!:clap:

Now I have the confidence to get my short riders going, I'll probably do 5 in perlite/ffof and 5 in rockwoll. THanks for all the help and suggestions this far!

I will be starting my first grow and journal soon hopefully!