what soil to use


Well-Known Member
i was wondering what is the bast soil to use for and indoor grow
Howdy. I'd recomend an organic soil - no added nutes, pure organic. Or you could make your own soil with peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite (best for seedlings which will be repotted in soil). Even if you use organic soil, you could add vermiculite and perlite.

Perlite keeps the soil loose so air can get down into the roots and vermiculite holds water so it tends to keep the soil moist longer.

Nutes in soil may burn seedlings. Avoid Miracle Grow soil - it is full of fungus knats. You'll find lots of reports of knats in the MG on forums.

Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
I use fox farms happy frog to start seedlings in plastic cups, then change to fox farms ocean forest / perlite 50/50 mix when they get transplanted..
ocean forest can be a little "hot" for seedlings that is why I start in happy frog..

as for as being organic all fox farms soil is organic..


Well-Known Member
I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest with superb results. I do not cut it with perlite as it already had perlite in the mix. I have germinated "sensitive" strains directly into the soil and had nothing but great results. Just make sure you use PH adjusted water and DON'T overwater.