Typical gateway user. Lol. The obvious answer is to combine with something else, but just remember, there are not many drugs as "forgiving" as marijuana is. Maybe start of small with something like Blue Lotus flower or extract. Dagga is another to combine with marijuana. Opium, but you have to respect the power of O and play safe. Salvia if you enjoy hallucinating. There are plenty things to mix with weed and typically the ones that are illegal are more powering than weed, thus you will not be making your high "greater", but rather mellowing out the high of another drug with the use of marijuana.
Most of the legal "alternatives" are weak so the dominating high is the marijuana high, thus it more works as an uptake of the THC. Raw O can work in the same way but the dose has to be kept so incredibly small to not overpower.
Good luck, and don't give potheads a bad name by becoming a crackhead.