What sort of problem is this?


Hey guys my leafs on the top are looking a bit odd.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
All help is mutch aprichiated..

Here are some pics:
The other side almos same hight.
This looks good:
The plant 35cm:

newb weed grower

Active Member
hmm it looks as tho u may have over watered if this is indeed the problem heres some things to do go ahead and not water as much also u could add more perlite and stuff to soil for drainage
u should most definitely wait for a pros response because as my name suggesta i am no pro yet altho when i made this account i coulddnt grow a seedling now i can grow whatever i want and be very good at it and its all thx to riu and all the great ppl that helped me


Wont change the soil now stress\ chock the plant.?
But you shure it is over watering?
I was shure it was the other way around.. :

Cheers mate.


My plants are 40cm under the 400W Metel Halide.
So what i shude do is NOT water at all fore a while.?

newb weed grower

Active Member
u wanna water like every other day or so also u wanna keep a specificly measured amount of water but im glad ppl agree with overwatering cause i never tell someone to do as i say if im not absolute but yah it definitely does seem like overwater


Ursus marijanus
What works very well for me is to pick up the pot. (You might want to keep a dry pot on hand as a reference). A watered pot will have much more sense of weight than a dry one. With pot, you can, and sometimes should, let the pot get about as light as your dry ref pot. When i first planted into 2-gal pots, i didn't water for eleven days. I watered early too ... and not very much. cn
What works very well for me is to pick up the pot. (You might want to keep a dry pot on hand as a reference). A watered pot will have much more sense of weight than a dry one. With pot, you can, and sometimes should, let the pot get about as light as your dry ref pot. When i first planted into 2-gal pots, i didn't water for eleven days. I watered early too ... and not very much. cn
That was great advice...still use that as a rule of thumb today.....


Well-Known Member
What works very well for me is to pick up the pot. (You might want to keep a dry pot on hand as a reference). A watered pot will have much more sense of weight than a dry one. With pot, you can, and sometimes should, let the pot get about as light as your dry ref pot. When i first planted into 2-gal pots, i didn't water for eleven days. I watered early too ... and not very much. cn
took the words right out of my mouth ;)


New Member
Looks over watered. And remember over watering is caused by frequency, not amount given. When its time to water you want to water slowly until you get some decent runoff......


Active Member
Watru you got some good advice from cannabineer,Capitalnuk and JCashman. Let your pots dry out a little..I always used my index finger, and when the pots were dry down to my second knuckle I watered..roughly 2 inches. The schedule is whatever the plant tells you


Guys thank you so mucth for all the great advice :D
I realy aprichiat all the help. And i have found my Bathroom Scale so i will use that.
For as acuret a reading as possibol..
Thanks again.

Cheers Watru