What strain for large yield, short flower time with good bag apeal ?

no doubt at all. reading forums for 30 years I learn harvest time is subjective. just because I never heard of a 40 day flowering strain doesnt mean it doesnt exist. sure would like to see it though, maybe. trainwreck isnt a fast flowering weed from my memory too.
keep looking if you find it let me know please
Is that a typo? What forums were around 30 yrs ago?
Even WB and OG didn't start until 98-99

* Pictures stoners arguing online with big ole bulky Commodore 64s and dial up*
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Is that a typo? What forums were around 30 yrs ago?
Even WB and OG didn't start until 98-99

* Pictures stoners arguing online with big ole bulky Commodore 64s and dial up*
I had a 386 then, with a 15" Mag monitor i paid 500 bucks for, later when I first got on the net I had dial up with a 14.4 modem.
I had a 386 then, with a 15" Mag monitor i paid 500 bucks for, later when I first got on the net I had dial up with a 14.4 modem.
What yr was that? I remember the big bulky fuckers we had in HS. Ya know...back when kids had to actually interact with one another rather than type on their little glowy boxes, lol.
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2000? where you been? there were internet marijuana groups long before that online.
None that I now of before WB and OG and anyone around then should know this. Its not info you can exactly "google".
What were they? Not being snarky...seriously curious about any weed forum around 30 yrs ago.
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Because there weren't any until 98-99. There were a few private chat rooms that were invite only but no open forums.
Seems like someone would have had one, but I never looked, the bulletin boards were mostly porno. Come to think of it Usenet newsgroups had some marijuana groups I believe, wouldn't no why not, they had many thousands of groups on everything you could think of.
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Because there weren't any until 98-99. There were a few private chat rooms that were invite only but no open forums.

guess I dont know what "open forum" means. I made my first seed purchase days after I was online in 95/96. seemed like a website to me, menu, send cash, mailed them and they were decent to me then. After that my friend traveled and brought back seeds that i used for ever after that till they stopped cracking. attitude was on in 2000 I think and I was all over that too.
Because there weren't any until 98-99. There were a few private chat rooms that were invite only but no open forums.

oh? 2000> 98 right? by years, two of them even:P
so yeah, more like 20 years ago hehe, but still prior to 2000, so there I am

no serious, I ws in chat rooms forums in the 1990's, like 95/96, they did exist, maybe called bulletin boards, chat rooms, forum, etcsamosamo I thought (sorry for the misunderstanding) and thats how I found the seed menu's, someone shared the contact info with me.
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If were only as easy as OP's question...lol......Soooo many variables with questions like these...IMO it's almost like asking to guess weight....What one person loves, another is sure to hate....what one person considers a good yield, may be nothing to the next guy.....and that's before we even get into individual grow techniques....I'm not saying it's a dumb question...But I think more info on how you plan to grow is needed for a decent answer. Obviously experience as a grower is key here to....you can have the best beans in the world ...but if you don't know how to grow em ...they might as well be rocks......GL
Is that a typo? What forums were around 30 yrs ago?
Even WB and OG didn't start until 98-99

* Pictures stoners arguing online with big ole bulky Commodore 64s and dial up*

I started using dial up in late 90's and then BBS were actual,but then my country was 3rd world state in "internet" tech..I dont know what was in other more advanced countries..I was pretty young then..
check out Sour Bubble or Sour Strawberry from BOG seeds. Both fast flowering strains, as in under 60 days especially Sour Bubble which happens to be better than the strawberry. Of course there are some low yielding phenos but there isn't a huge range of phenos to begin with and you are very likely to find a nice yielder. Flavor, smell, bag appeal are all very much there as well