What strains were popular in the 60s and 70s?

Damn that's a lot of time for some smoke! Where'd you get the malawi gold seeds/cut from?
The strain I am specifically referring to was African Buzz from Seedsman.

I also grew Malawi from Ace, but that was a horrible experience. I cut them down at 24 weeks and it was barely like buds. We were calling it snap/crackle/pop because that is how it smoked. I ended up giving it all away because it was so bad, I didn't want it around my house.
The strain I am specifically referring to was African Buzz from Seedsman.

I also grew Malawi from Ace, but that was a horrible experience. I cut them down at 24 weeks and it was barely like buds. We were calling it snap/crackle/pop because that is how it smoked. I ended up giving it all away because it was so bad, I didn't want it around my house.

Interesting. I had a good experience with my only Ace grow (Vietnam Black x Thai) and had a bad experience just recently with seeds from Real Seed Company via Seedsman lol. The beans at RSC weren't advertised as autos and they have auto traits so I'm a little bummed I even bought them. They since updated their site (not on seedsman though) after I dm'ed them on ig about it.
I just grew some out. Your guess was completely off base but then that's typical.

Different experience but then you were vague about what you were saying.

well let me clear things up for you. When you're young and have minimal responsibilities EVERYTHING is better.. music was better, fast food was better, getting high/drunk was better. Meeting up with buddies to get drunk/high all night is a completely different experience than drinking a 6er after a long ass day of work, making dinner for the kids, putting them to bed and then waking up at 6 in the morning to work another long hard ass day.

If I go by memory, the endless bowls of swag we smoked while cruising got me higher (and was way more "psychedelic") than when i was smoking a blunt every hour of grade A. No fuckin way in hell was it better bud though.

I havent been smoking much this past year and when I smoke even a few hits now I get high like I used to when I was younger. When I was smoking a blunt to the face every waking hour on the hour, I was barely getting high at all.

My point being.. if you were a teenager/young adult when you smoked this "Michoacan", or were smoking a lot of brick?, the chance that it's not this "holy grail" that you remember is quite high. I really dont give a fuk either way, but the bud I smoked when I was younger wasn't nearly as good, but definitely got me higher than when I was regularly smoking heavy.
Interesting. I had a good experience with my only Ace grow (Vietnam Black x Thai) and had a bad experience just recently with seeds from Real Seed Company via Seedsman lol. The beans at RSC weren't advertised as autos and they have auto traits so I'm a little bummed I even bought them. They since updated their site (not on seedsman though) after I dm'ed them on ig about it.
I have had plenty of good grows from Ace and Cannobiogen, just those particular Malawi were not. As far as Seedsman, it was from Attitude Seeds, Seedsman the breeder.

Well growing up in the 60's I smoked all kinds of early strains.Coloumbian Gold&Red,Panama Red,Mohician,Veitnamiese,Acalpoco Gold,Plus tons of hash black w/opium,Lebenese Blonde,Tiaweed(forgot)The THC was like in the 7-9% but man I hullucinated off some of that 9% THC levels.Kentucky Gold (I didnt mention)we didnt know shit about growing weed we would pull plants before they were done so we could smoke the leaves dumbass's.Anyways Cannibis has saved me for the past 14 years as a 215 patient we new back then that weed was medicinal.Living here in California has been most of my adult life some of the cannibis thats around now is incredible to say the least has anyone heard of a 60's strain called "Ice Bag"???let me know its probably an early white strain!See ya!
Old Post but the black opium hash was the best! We had this from the late 60s until it disappeared in the early 70s in Boston area and we didn't even know what it really was back then, we thought it was just regular hashish! Then when ever we got regular blond hashish we were often disappointed, we didn't know why it seemed so weak?
In central Mexico is where my father had his land. Yes it was still quite abit north of the equator.... My father traveled all over the world, my uncle handled the crops.

Either way, if you guys want to believe 70's weed was better than today's, well more power to ya.
I smoked weed in the 70s that was just as good if not better then any weed today.Bleze that country had ky, growers there growing some of the best weed any one could grow or smoke then the little plane flew it to florida and then it was trucked to ky,read the book about the cornbread mafia in ky.that book will open eyes to what went on back in the day.befor 9-11 it was easy as hell to bring in great weed to the states and ky, has growed great weed for years befor lots on this sit had ever even sean a joint to smoke.
Old Post but the black opium hash was the best! We had this from the late 60s until it disappeared in the early 70s in Boston area and we didn't even know what it really was back then, we thought it was just regular hashish! Then when ever we got regular blond hashish we were often disappointed, we didn't know why it seemed so weak?
I rember those days of the black hash we picked up tons of it after it was flown to Canada then on to ky..knight all
^^ I have heard of someone else mentioning late sixties Michoacan as being psychedelic as well. Lime green buds. I had my own experience or two with very trippy Mexican strains mid seventies. Not all nostalgia.
Old Post but the black opium hash was the best! We had this from the late 60s until it disappeared in the early 70s in Boston area and we didn't even know what it really was back then, we thought it was just regular hashish! Then when ever we got regular blond hashish we were often disappointed, we didn't know why it seemed so weak?
still get kashmire and temple ball (spelling?) opium hash in canada, disappeared in the 90's but came back mid 00's.
I smoked weed in the 70s that was just as good if not better then any weed today.Bleze that country had ky, growers there growing some of the best weed any one could grow or smoke then the little plane flew it to florida and then it was trucked to ky,read the book about the cornbread mafia in ky.that book will open eyes to what went on back in the day.befor 9-11 it was easy as hell to bring in great weed to the states and ky, has growed great weed for years befor lots on this sit had ever even sean a joint to smoke.
Yep, as a Ky boy of 65 years (45 in Lex) I concur! I've grown and smoked weed here since 1970 and have many friends from the Cornbread mafia and agree with everything you said. Oh, do you remember the Burmese that was grown here in the mid to late 80's, still some of the strongest Indica I've ever smoked, it came in through the CB mafia. The CB Mafia was also tied up with the BOEL people, they brought in all the Thai Stick in the 70's. Had some good times and love it here, but sad to say I'm moving to Colorado in April, getting to old to look over my shoulder anymore, but if the laws change here I'll be back!
I would say a faint smell like incense. The thing was, you could take in a huge lung full with just that faint taste. If you smoked more than the tiniest pinner you were bound for the moon.

Wish I could find it now. But from what I have heard, paraquat took care of that. Thanks Regan.
Grew up in Northern California in the 60's - started smoking probably around 1968, while working with Don and Kevin at Paul and Chucks shell. Lots of pounds of came in and out all were mexican and all were dry with more seeds than pot. They got you high> I remember smoking some black opium between 5 guys in the back of his truck and losing track of everything. great sleep. Joined the Navy, went to East coast and was given some small greenish almost black buds, supposafdly from Africa and lost my legs under the bed after several hits among several of us. Later in the 70's , ran into both Thai stick and Elephant , both came with speed mixed into it.

Did time on Oahu until 1980 and had the pleasure of transferring several ponds of REAL Maui Wowie from Rusty in Maui, and by the way none of that found its way to anyplace but NYC at 600$ or more an Ounce, not even SF got any until much later in the game.

During the early 70's Elephant and Thai stick was smuggled into the US via dead bodies traveling out of Viet nam to Hickham with the corpsmen stationed on Ford Island. Best pot I ever smoked was small amounts bought in Hawaii via a friend of friend and was all home gron and very sleepy stuff.
I smoked weed in the 70s that was just as good if not better then any weed today.Bleze that country had ky, growers there growing some of the best weed any one could grow or smoke then the little plane flew it to florida and then it was trucked to ky,read the book about the cornbread mafia in ky.that book will open eyes to what went on back in the day.befor 9-11 it was easy as hell to bring in great weed to the states and ky, has growed great weed for years befor lots on this sit had ever even sean a joint to smoke.
I hear you, the people that weren't there want to say it was this and that, but it wasn't. The pressed Mexican brickweed aside, the high-end bud was much better back then, and I mean leaps and bounds better than anything today, period. Just my two cents but I was there.
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I hear you, the people that weren't there want to say it was this and that, but it wasn't. The weed was much better then and I mean by Leaps and Bounds better than anything today, period.

ya.. outdoor weed that wasn't processed properly... way better than anything today :roll:

the 70's = 40-50 years ago.. unless you're over 70 years old that means you were a teen/young adult during that time. Take a long break from any thc (4+ months) and then smoke some of todays good shit... that's the only way to compare apples to apples.

This shit is like when folks try and say the Russel Celtics are better than the current day Warriors.. "you young whipper-snappers aint ever seen what basketball was like... They played the game like it was supposed to be played.. the 3 pointer RUINED the game!"... It's just not true.
ya.. outdoor weed that wasn't processed properly... way better than anything today :roll:

the 70's = 40-50 years ago.. unless you're over 70 years old that means you were a teen/young adult during that time. Take a long break from any thc (4+ months) and then smoke some of todays good shit... that's the only way to compare apples to apples.

This shit is like when folks try and say the Russel Celtics are better than the current day Warriors.. "you young whipper-snappers aint ever seen what basketball was like... They played the game like it was supposed to be played.. the 3 pointer RUINED the game!"... It's just not true.

You're correct I've been smoking weed over 50 years. I've read your prior posts and with all due respect you're absolutely wrong in this matter, and all the other people who actually were there aren't making this up either. As I said people who weren't there don't know. And I was raised on (and down the street from) the Celtics so I know a little something about them too, including the Russell era
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You're correct I've been smoking weed over 50 years. I've read your prior posts and with all due respect you're absolutelye wrong in this matter. As I said people who weren't there you don't know. And I was raised on (and down the street from) the Celtics so I know a little something about them too, including the Russell era

Respect brother... So, just for shits and giggles... The Russel Celtics, best dynasty ever?