What Temperature and Humidity range is best?


Active Member
My stealth closet grow has been seeing much lower temperatures now that the weather here has turned cold. Overnight temps drop to near freezing and daytime is anywhere from 40-50F...this means my indoor room temps are often as low as 65 after dark. I use CFLs and soil, and will reach the 5 week point (veg. from seed) tomorrow. My range of temps read from a low of 66F (in dark) to a high of only 77F. The humidity is reading from 37-55%. These temps are much lower than when I started the seeds. Back then, I was reaching 82F or more and the humidity was hovering in the 28-33% range. I read somewhere that cooler temps in the third week or so can encourage a plant to be female - is this true, or a load of crap? Anyway, are my plants okay with temps in the low 70s (that seems to be the reading every time I've looked lately)? Do they like it cooler, or will it stunt their growth at these numbers? Thanks for the input!

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
Yes atleast 2weeks into veg lower temps and higher humid "encourages" them to be female along with a slew of other things


BigV is right, I've never noticed temp or humidity effect the sex. I also usually just buy feminized seeds so I only plant what I want growing. But that's just me. Temps low 80's, high 70's you're all good. Humidity is usually only a problem when its one extreme or the other. (too high or too low) But ideally I suggest 50-60% for veg and 30-40% for flowering.


Active Member
So the last few days of highest temperature reading of 73F and low of 66F are okay? And the humidity running in the high 30s to low 40s percent is acceptable too?


Yeah thats fine. My ambient temp is high 70's. My plants are vegging under 40% humidity right now. Thats pretty much the highest I can get once it gets cold outside. Just really try and not let it get below 30%. Really what's gonna be affected most is how close you can position your light to the plant tops without burning them. If you have more moisture in the air, you can usually get the light closer to the plant without burning it.


Active Member
Well BOX, I'm using CFLs now and they are within 1-2inches of plants most of the time with no apparent problem yet. I think the colder outside temps are certainly keeping my room from getting into the 80s like a few weeks ago. Autumn has come on fast and furious here. There is frost on the grass outside right now and a 33F temp reading on the news! My humidity is actually higher now that the room is cooler - it was reading in the high 20%s sometimes early in the grow. I'm only at the 5week veg point now. I had considered getting a humidifier if really needed, but I'd like to keep costs down. If I'm within the okay range, I'll just keep an eye on it for now. The meter is recording a high of 55% at some point, but I have not caught it at anything beyond 42% whenever I've happened to be checking on the children. Thanks for the input BOX!


Yeah no problem , it seems like your grow space has balanced itself out nicely. With CFL's you don't have to worry about burning them. So just keep their environment the way it is and you should have some flaaame :fire:

Are you using any nutrients or planning to for flowering?


Active Member
So far, I've given them just one very mild feeding of Schultz 10-15-10 when I transplanted them from the party cups five days ago. They seem to be pretty happy now, be it the nutes, larger pots, or both. I definitely plan to feed for flowering too, but I have to be careful not to overdo it as they're in MG soil. What NPK numbers should I be aiming towards for bloom nutes?