WHAT THE EFF?!! Check out this order from Attitude.

Is something up with Canadian customs? I just got an order from Hemp Depot, 20 AK-47 x Blockhead from Beanho. It was package in an envelope with bubble wrap inside. The envelope had f'ing tire tracks on both sides and the seeds with smashed completely. How the hell does that happen by accident? I don't blame Hemp Depot. This was done elsewhere along the way and I would say it was deliberate. I mean really, tire tracks on both sides of the package - that has to be deliberate. This was a U.S.A order so I don't know for sure that it would have gone thru Candian customs. But the M.O. is sure similar
dam pimp thats bullshit i allways use crush proof tin with tee shirt and so far so good maybe next time u might want to tell them to drop breeder pacs and get put in tin so u can get them worth a shot pimp wish u alot of luck sorry for the loss of your babys
Is something up with Canadian customs? I just got an order from Hemp Depot, 20 AK-47 x Blockhead from Beanho. It was package in an envelope with bubble wrap inside. The envelope had f'ing tire tracks on both sides and the seeds with smashed completely. How the hell does that happen by accident? I don't blame Hemp Depot. This was done elsewhere along the way and I would say it was deliberate. I mean really, tire tracks on both sides of the package - that has to be deliberate. This was a U.S.A order so I don't know for sure that it would have gone thru Candian customs. But the M.O. is sure similar

If you are in the USA and your order was from Canada, it goes through USA customs only.

This shit fucking sickens me. Nice to know our tax dollars are are hard at work funding this type of bush league bullshit. Sounds like these cock gobblers have too much time on their hands if they can spare the time to take your package out and run it over.

Fucking Canadian Border Service fucking prick assholes.

Wish I could find the c#unt muscle who did this.

Do they get a kick out of making sick people's lives even more difficult than they already are? As if I don't have enough stress in my life already, being in constant pain and unable to eat most of the time.

Hope they got a giggle out of this. Fuck man, I'm so disappointed right now. Totally ruined my day.

Send me your good vibes, I need cheering up. :wall:

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Damn what a bunch of dicks... Have you considered trying to go to any local breeders in BC? Or dealing with some of the BC seed sites? Seems to me like those asshole customs workers don't even have access to across-town mail, its worth a try. Sorry about all your troubles
Yes if I shop local, there are no problems. Thing is there were a couple of medicinal strains that I could get nowhere else.
Same shit just happenend to me bro. Im in BC, package was bubble package was taped shut and my seeds look like they have gone through a grinder. Fuckin BS. Mine was from a different seed bank though wich will remain unnamed until I hear back fro them.
DON'T SEND PICTURES! Bro...They are not supposed to talk about growing with you.
Okay. Say that you saw the seeds did not arrive in breeder packaging and say they were damaged or looked scratched. You want perfect quality souvenirs so leave it in the breeder pack. Something like that. See if that works.
It just doesn't get you anywhere to talk about germinating.
I'll just add two things here:

a. Just because seeds may be legal to POSSESS in Canada does not make them legal to IMPORT.

b. My understanding is that per the 1987 Narcotics act, cannabis seeds are actually NOT legal to possess in Canada, unless they are non-viable. The same is true in the USA as well. Federal law lets you possess STERILIZED seeds. Now, in practice within Candada, this law is often not enforced on a provincial level, but it may be on a Canadian Federal level.

So in this case, it appears that Canadian customs just "helped" you obey the law by making sure the seeds in question were non-viable.

The one time I ordered from Attitude, I had my seeds put into the tin w/ the t-shirt. I got them w/o incident. I'm happy to here that you got reimbursed for what happened. I've heard alot of good things about Attitude, but I have heard some bad things too. I got ripped on my first order that I tried thru a different vendor. I will use Attitude as long as they remain honest. I can imagine how you felt when this first happened.
Castle's Pledge

Dear Friends,
Choosing a seed bank is a decision based on trust. I pledge to you that I will do everything in my power to gain and keep that trust. Allow me to explain my philosophy before you decide to trust us, and then do your own research to discover for yourself if my opinion of my company is in harmony with that of my customers.
Look at and research our list of seed banks. Their reputations are excellent. I have and will remove any seed bank which does not meet my famous high standards. Like any reputable seed retailer we have to respect our suppliersRRPs. However, our free shipping on orders over £50 allows us to guarantee you will not find anyone who can beat our price for your order.
We ship worldwide and all our shipping options are free for orders over £50. As long as you select registered mail (which also happens to be free!) then I will personally guarantee the safe and prompt arrival of your seeds. If for any reason your marijuana seeds fail to reach you within 21 days then we will refund you in full, or replace your seeds free of charge.
We ship from the UK. Parcels coming from the UK attract far less attention than packages sent from The Netherlands. The strength of my guarantee ensures that stealth is as important to me as it is to you. Less than 1% of our orders fail to reach their destination – after all, we have to pay for them if they don’t arrive safely!
In essence my core values revolve around trust, quality and service. I personally promise my company will never deviate from these ideals. In the unlikely event that we do make a mistake, we will endeavour to put it right swiftly and generously.
We will do everything in our power to put your custom before our convenience and provide you with the kind of service your patronage deserves.
My sincere thanks,

Alright, this was my experience with High Life Seeds. Still have not heard back from them. My advice to canadians is stick with Canadian seed banks.


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Well, unfortunately I have some very disappointing news to report!!

If you recall, I am the original poster who has had seeds destroyed twice.

At some point, the customer service reps at Attitude did a complete 180 and started treating me like dirt.

They asked me to mail them back the crushed seeds (which I did, no questions asked).

After they received had them, as confirmed by tracking, I contacted them and asked when they were going to send my replacements.

At first they denied they received the seeds. When I proved they did, then they said that I didn't send back all of them, which I did. When I proved that, they started balking at sending me replacements because they didn't think two orders would get destroyed, and started asking me questions about how they got damaged, or if it was tampered with, all while insinuating I was trying to scam them. I sent them all the photos of everything, including the packages, including the customs tape, and they still didn't believe me.

Then, before they would replace them, they said they were going to send the seeds back to the breeders for verification, and then they would let me know if they would send replacements.

First of all, how the fuck is the breeder going to be able to identify a bunch of smashed seeds? Second, why is it the breeder's problem anyway? I bought them from attitude, not the breeder. Third, why would they need the seeds to be verified? It's obvious they are cannabis seeds, but other than that, they all look the same? What the hell do they want verification of?

This just sounded like one string of bullshit after another after another trying desperately to find a way not to send me my seeds. The entire time I just could tell they were layering on bullshit on top of bullshit.

I know some ass is going to chime in and spout off some bullshit about seeds are only available as souvenirs, and non-viable. Well, if you bought a plasma TV as a souvenir, with never the intention of actually using it, and it arrived on the delivery truck with a smashed screen, I think you would be pretty pissed too, even if you didn't want to use it for it's intended purpose. Regardless of the laws, if I am purchasing seeds as souvenirs, then I expect those souvenir to arrive in their original condition, and not smashed to shit. HOWEVER I am a federally exempted patient who is completely within the law to purchase, germinate, and grow cannabis seeds - and I won't listen to any crap about "well you're not supposed to grow-em anyway".

This sudden change of heart on the part of Attitude is seriously troubling. At this point, I strongly recommend if you are ordering from the US or Canada, look elsewhere than the attitude. If your seeds suffer the same fate, even when you pay for guaranteed shipping, then you could be in the same situation as me. Out of pocket nearly $200, and not even a pack of busted souvenirs to show for it (remember, I paid to ship them back, so I don't even have those anymore).

Treating customers like this, especially those of us with serious illnesses who use these plants as LEGAL medication, will dry up your business right quick. My message to the Attitude is that you really need to sort your shit out quick. In an economy like this, you should be thankful for every customer you get, and you should do everything in your power to make sure they are treated fairly and with respect. The average seed purchaser is already super-suspicious of any online seedbank, and when there are confirmed reports like this with people paying you, and getting nothing in return, and getting treated like crap....well, word spreads fast.

This is truly disappointing. At the start of all this, I felt confident that Attitude would take care of me, and I wouldn't have hesitated to recommend them to anyone and everyone (which I did). Now I feel like an asshole because I recommended a seedbank that may screw these good people out of their money. I hope that doesn't happen. I would hate for someone else to go through the same thing as me because of a recommendation I made.

I rescind my previous recommendation of Attitude Seedbank. Order from Hemp Depot in Canada, far better customer service.
While I sympathize with you I understand Attitudes caution. If somebody else saw this thread here and ordered seeds they could simple crush and smash up some bag seed and claim the same thing happened. That could be a big loss for a small business to eat up. They shouldn't treat you bad, but you shouldn't blame them for fearing the worst, they don't know you. And if there's no guarantee of delivery or germination they really don't owe you anything.
There IS guarantee of delivery. I should know because I paid extra for it.

And they KNOW that I'm not scamming them because I sent photos of the packages that have official customs tape on them, which obviously I don't have access to.

They had more than enough proof to show that it was not my doing.

This whole song and dance about 'seeds are just souvenirs' 'not meant to be germinated' etc is just bullshit.

You're telling me that if you ordered some seeds, and they showed up smashed, you will just say "oh well, I never intended to germinate them anyway" and you would just be cool with it? You would really think that they didn't owe you a thing? They have a responsibility to deliver the merchandise I paid for, without damage.

Do you really think that people would order seeds from attitude if they thought this same thing would happen to them? I think not. Attitude is in the business of selling seeds for germination, plain and simple. They can say what they want, and hide behind bullshit disclaimers and technicalities, but in the end they know, I know, and you know that they sell seeds to people who plan on germinating them. More than anything, it's all of this bullshit and lying going on that gets to me more than anything. They have proven to me that they are not a trustworthy company to do business with, plain and simple.

Look, I get the need to protect themselves, and the reason for the legal technicalities and disclaimers, but that's not what were talking about here. The simple fact is, I purchased a product from them, and it's their responsibility to deliver that product in good condition. That's all I ask. I have provided more than enough evidence to them to prove that the seeds were destroyed in transit, and not of my own doing.

Like I said, I was the first one to sing their praises when this all started. I was treated fairly and respectfully, and I was assured the problem would be solved. I happily provided the photographic evidence to prove the packages had been opened and smashed at customs, and I even went the extra step and paid to ship them back to them so they could inspect themselves.

I just wanted everyone to be aware of what is going on here. Maybe to some it's not a big deal, maybe some people can just brush off the loss of a couple hundred bucks, I can't. I'm very sick and can't work, so money is extremely tight. The last thing I would want is another patient like myself shelling out their last two hundred dollars and ending up with nothing to show for it. If it's attitude's policy to not replace damaged seeds that are ruined in transit, then they should let people know before they give them their money. Of course, if they were up front about this, nobody would buy from them.

I hope attitude sorts this out, and if they do, I'll be happy to let everyone know how it goes, and if I feel they have earned my endorsement, I will gladly give it. However, at this point, I don't know if there is much they can do redeem themselves. I don't like being treated like a liar and a thief, and I like being taken advantage of like this even less.

I'm sorry if this post comes off as a bit of a rant. I'm experiencing a lot more pain than normal today, and I haven't been able to sleep in a couple days due to the pain and constant nausea, so my fuse is a little short. No excuse, I know, but I just wanted to keep everyone updated so they could make and educated decision about where they acquire their seeds.

All i'm thinking, is give me one possible reason that you think attitude or any company out there selling any product at all would intentionally carefully open up and smash the product and then seal it all back up again and ship it, considering that they know that by law they will be required to replace the product at their own cost, there is absolutely no questio of will they repalce, they are required to do so by law, so why would they intentionally put themselves out of pocket? Sorry, but i'm sat here smelling utter and total bullshit.
All i'm thinking, is give me one possible reason that you think attitude or any company out there selling any product at all would intentionally carefully open up and smash the product and then seal it all back up again and ship it, considering that they know that by law they will be required to replace the product at their own cost, there is absolutely no questio of will they repalce, they are required to do so by law, so why would they intentionally put themselves out of pocket? Sorry, but i'm sat here smelling utter and total bullshit.

He is saying customs did this. Did you even read this thread ?
No, i read the OP where he made zero reference to customs and every indications to attitude being responsible.

And from everything i've read on this forum and others, customs confiscate seeds, not go out of their way to crush them and send them on regardless. And so far as i'm aware, for customs to destroy but then post on the product, thi would pt them in violation of the law themselves.

I'll maintain my stance of bullshit.