what the f*ckkkkkkk is with the paper towel stuff lol


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,im still somewhat of a new grower but I read ALOT and now a damn good amount about growing. now one of the things I learned way back when,when I first started learning about growing was the whole paper towel ordeal. I myself plan on putting the seads staright into the soil 1,4-1/2 inch into the soil and aplly water simple an mother nature like,but I keep hearing all of these other people using the paper towel method saying its safer because putting your beans straight into the soil doesn't have a very high sucess rate. I still plan on using the mother nature method lol,because im not trying to mess with the taproot. and using paper towels or anything else seems cheap and un natural for good growing. Just wondering what you think and what truly is the best way to do things thanks in advance for ideas and input.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,im still somewhat of a new grower but I read ALOT and now a damn good amount about growing. now one of the things I learned way back when,when I first started learning about growing was the whole paper towel ordeal. I myself plan on putting the seads staright into the soil 1,4-1/2 inch into the soil and aplly water simple an mother nature like,but I keep hearing all of these other people using the paper towel method saying its safer because putting your beans straight into the soil doesn't have a very high sucess rate. I still plan on using the mother nature method lol,because im not trying to mess with the taproot. and using paper towels or anything else seems cheap and un natural for good growing. Just wondering what you think and what truly is the best way to do things thanks in advance for ideas and input.
ignorance is what fuels them.......... paper towel=80's 90's technology its bad

plant in soil cover wit humidity dome and all will be well


Well-Known Member
ok so im assuming it does'nt matter? well I think ill just go with the bean into the soil with water then put it under my hps lol


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,im still somewhat of a new grower but I read ALOT and now a damn good amount about growing. now one of the things I learned way back when,when I first started learning about growing was the whole paper towel ordeal. I myself plan on putting the seads staright into the soil 1,4-1/2 inch into the soil and aplly water simple an mother nature like,but I keep hearing all of these other people using the paper towel method saying its safer because putting your beans straight into the soil doesn't have a very high sucess rate. I still plan on using the mother nature method lol,because im not trying to mess with the taproot. and using paper towels or anything else seems cheap and un natural for good growing. Just wondering what you think and what truly is the best way to do things thanks in advance for ideas and input.

to be honest using any other method besides paper towel is just retarded> its pretty much industry standard and gaurenteed to make ur seeds pop.


Well-Known Member
oh really you think so? ive heard about 50% of people say paper towel and the other 50% say mother nature bean into soil.


Well-Known Member
well if there good qualtity seeds and they are seeds I think seeds are ment to be put into soil idk.....


Well-Known Member
so wait how long do you think I should put wrap over it? if its just a seeling? how is it going to grow where I live autum is pretty much here and the sun is next to nothing. lol ive always heard just put it under the light your going to use.


so wait how long do you think I should put wrap over it? if its just a seeling? how is it going to grow where I live autum is pretty much here and the sun is next to nothing. lol ive always heard just put it under the light your going to use.
I use the paper towel method simply because i can't stand the wait to know if they are going to pop. No question with the paper towel method.


Well-Known Member
ive used paper towel, soil, peat pellet, rockwool cube, glass of water, they all work, as long as you have a m moist,humid atmosphere youll be fine. Paper towel just allows you to see that the seed actually sprouted instead of waiting to see it come through the surface.


Well-Known Member
yeah I see what you mean.Well ive always just thougt hey simple put it into the soil I use to think of the paper towel method but I heard its not that good and you can affect the taproot. I don't know what method im going to do now?


Well-Known Member
so wait how long do you think I should put wrap over it? if its just a seeling? how is it going to grow where I live autum is pretty much here and the sun is next to nothing. lol ive always heard just put it under the light your going to use.
you can take the wrap off when it pops above the soil( dnt put wrap on soil leave a few inches between em) hps would be just dry it out real quick but if you have it raised up like 5 ft than when it pops lower it a lil every day til its proper and the wrap will keep it from drying out too quick...........


Well-Known Member
to be honest using any other method besides paper towel is just retarded> its pretty much industry standard and gaurenteed to make ur seeds pop.

Oh please!!! The paper towel method is just so you can feel like a biologist science guru.

I've had 100% germ rate and 0 fail rate germing directly into a 2" square transfer pot.

You stick the seed pointy side down and when it pops open, it sends a strong tap root straight down before it sprouts up.

When it sprouts, it's the most beautiful sight: four or five pots all spring up little seedlings, the shells still attached to the initial leaves...then a few days later, the shells have fallen in unison and rest next to the stem as it vanishes into the soil....

Poetry people, poetry.