what the F is going on?!

Theres a few swiss cheese ladies, one went south a while ago and is dead looking but alive still. I cant save it but a few bud sites on the others have similar symptoms. The pics are the plant thats done and spots on the good one. What causes this? *note* how do i post the pics?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Theres a few swiss cheese ladies, one went south a while ago and is dead looking but alive still. I cant save it but a few bud sites on the others have similar symptoms. The pics are the plant thats done and spots on the good one. What causes this? *note* how do i post the pics?
Huh? Who? What? White power!


Well-Known Member
attach/manage attachments under advance controls that is only way anyone can help you....
good luck


New Member

  • dead looking but alive still. I cant save it but a few bud sites on the others have similar symptoms. The pics are the plant thats done and spots on the good one. What causes this? *note* how do i post​

I know its toast but i want to know why this happened to one plant out of 5 and the others are very healthy except for a few small spots that have that going on. The spots on the good ones are small and i dont want it to spread!

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Dude it's bud rot...
moister is trapped in the buds, giving spores the best place to germinate.. thus taking over in their mold form.

Chop chop the other's that it's spreading too.
How big are mites? I honestly didnt look super close for tiny incects. Its feet away from a 6ft tall swiss cheese that is like a month in to flowering flowering and it is georgous. That one is almost impeccable other than a few very small dying brown spots on the bottom like that shit plant. I feel like its something in the soil but im not a expert.