Well-Known Member
Nothin. Still have several weeks to go before harvest is even thought about and my last little bit of meds is gone. Day job is pretty light when its cold out so no cash either (the wife does not support the idea thats meds outweigh the heat bill in the bigger picture), besides who can afford to buy from the so called "patients" when they are charging donations that are heavier than street prices. And I don't know if anybody else has seen this but Mexi has disappeared around here. Don't want to be a cry baby but not having meds is depressing and painful. To bad nobody in N. Central seems to be willing to barter either. I am starting to have my doubts about the "everyone helps everyone else out" mentality that I thought was supposed to run rampant through this "patient" community.
<end rant>
There are quite a few compassion clubs in Phoenix that will have your fix. You can get grams or pre rolls.