What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

so, what is the reason? eradication of the scourge that is terrorism? to win the war, you need to win the hearts and minds of the indiginous people. you aint gonna accomplish nothing by shooting them.
I'll let you figure it out with this EASY "fill in the blank" test.

Who took in the vast majority of oil profits BEFORE the USA invasion? __________ !

Who takes in the vast majority of oil profits now AFTER the USA invasion. ____________!

Take ur time....
But it's EASY.....

Which tells me you would rather throw mud than be informed....

The correct answers are...... drum roll.....

1.) Saddam Hussein

2.) the ppl of Iraq

100% accurate.
i will quite happily be informed! just airing my opinion. there will always be civilian casualties in a war.. the incident in the video is just wrong, a case of very bad judgement.
I find it kind of ironic how frustrated we as Americans are that the terrorists won't "man up" or come out and fight us in the open.

Evidently most have forgotten how we beat the British in the Revolutionary War.

At that point in time armies just lined up and had a hey-day with each other, blindly firing rounds into rows and rows of enemy troops, last army standing wins. Along come the colonial fighters who didn't have large armies (like the terrorists don't). So instead of beating the British with numbers, they beat them with sneakiness (like the terrorists). Rather than put 1,000 troops in a line, the revolutionaries would send only a handful of troops to pepper the British from the trees usually in a non-fighting scenario (like the terrorists) when setting up camp, during meals, or when enemy troops were moving.

"Attacking us when we're not fighting or paying attention? Not fair!" say the British. "Whatever!" say the revolutionaries, "we just re-invented the rules of combat, and guess what? We're winning!"

Look at what's happening now... the terrorists are small in numbers, sneaking around, using non-conventional tactics, and being generally successful at their mission to create terror.(like the colonials) It surprises me that we're surprised the terrorists won't "cooperate."

History can teach us a lot, right now it's saying fighting THEIR war OUR way probably won't work out that well.

Here's a question related to the video:

Is a person only an enemy once they pick up a weapon and put on their camo? What if they never SHOW a weapon? What if they dress up like an innocent? Then what happens when they stroll into a cafe, hospital, or crowded area and blow up? Or open fire?

Am I an innocent just because I'm not in the military? But what if I was willing to kill any terrorist I could find? What if I wasn't?

There's certainly no honor in the terrorist approach.. but is war about honor? Or is it about killing and winning?

I don't like seeing innnocents get gunned down, but what if they weren't innocent? Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20. It's easy to say "oh you monster you killed a team of medics!" But you could also be saying "oh you hero! How did you know that team of medics was actually terrorists in disguise?"

Tricky stuff here
I am happy to inform you. :wink:


Don't walk with ppl carrying AK's during war time.... pretty simple.

The US militray tactics are applied very specifically to how the enemy decides to fight.

Who brings on those tactics? The terrorists do. No one else.

edit: real quick to dispel innuendo and myth. Revo war.... we declared war...we wore uniforms. we fought in the woods and out in the open....suffering greatly.
So if a small group of uprisers officially declare war and wear uniforms they're not terrorists anymore?

I'd also like to add that EVERY military applies their tactics to the way the enemy is fighting, what produces the result of the war is how effective those tactics were. British tactics vs revolutionary fighters, not so good.

Also, there's way to "specifically apply" an aircraft mounted RPG to a group of people. Spray and pray baby!

I just find the irony of Americans pissed about terrorist tactics entertaining. War is war, people are dying. Do we really expect rules to be followed? Come on!
I know an Iraqi kid I went to school with who now pretends to be from Italy because of all the shit he took from Americans. Sad. He is the most Middle Eastern looking Italian ever.
I know an American kid who got trash dumped on him in a European country cause of how they felt about the war. Sad. He's never even fired a gun

People act like asses everywhere
So if a small group of uprisers officially declare war and wear uniforms they're not terrorists anymore?

I'd also like to add that EVERY military applies their tactics to the way the enemy is fighting, what produces the result of the war is how effective those tactics were. British tactics vs revolutionary fighters, not so good.

Also, there's way to "specifically apply" an aircraft mounted RPG to a group of people. Spray and pray baby!

I just find the irony of Americans pissed about terrorist tactics entertaining. War is war, people are dying. Do we really expect rules to be followed? Come on!

You need to look up the definition if you are that confused.... but yes.... being NOT in uniform is a big part of it. Killing civilians as a tactic is another. Think Al Queda, Hamas.....terrorists. :peace:
You need to look up the definition if you are that confused.... but yes.... being NOT in uniform is a big part of it. Killing civilians as a tactic is another. Think Al Queda, Hamas.....terrorists. :peace:

How would you describe the incidents that took place at Abu Graib prison?

The American soldiers in pictures dehumanizing Muslim prisoners.
How would you describe the countless incidents of american contracters getting their heads sawn off?

Terrible, despicable, inhumane, insane... Probably something along those lines. Does that surprise you?

The point I'm trying to make, with Crackers assistance, is that he will not ever admit that anything Americans do on the battlefield against our "enemies" is wrong because it dents his ego. Our country doesn't do wrong to him, whatever we do, including kill 2 innocent people and wound children and medical teams, is right. It's right because they brought it all on themselves (even though they're innocent.. and journalists/photographers.. and children...). They shouldn't be in the warzone (even though they may be unable to leave), they shouldn't be carrying weapons (when in an UNSAFE OCCUPIED WARZONE, when in every other instance, when it involves American rights, the same man praises our 2nd amendment).

Basically that Cracker can't stop sucking America's tit for a single fuckin' second to see the reality of the world for what it actually is, and not what he wants it to be with his American blinders on.

It's UnAmerican to take everything right up the ass like he does, and not criticize anything. Sure we see him day in day out with some new witty remark about how Obama is destroying the world (because he's a commie lefty liberal!) but never any quips about the US military or their actions...

It's bullshit man, and everyone knows it.
How would you describe the countless incidents of american contracters getting their heads sawn off?

Though I would like to add...

How can one attempt to use the argument "they shouldn't be in a warzone, they knew what was going to happen" as Cracker did, and I believe someone else did too, not sure who it was though, but dismiss that exact same argument when you swap out Muslims/terrorists with the contractors?

Didn't they know what they were getting into as well?

There are quite a bit of double standards going on that need to be pointed out.
Uhhh, as a military commander... I would tell my Chief.... this is NOT a good idea. Perhaps we shouldn't invade Kuwait. Perhaps we shouldn't blow innocent women and children up either. Gosh....

Ya cause every Muslim is a terrorist right? How many Women and Children do you think we have blown up? How many innocent people do you think died in the initial bombing of Baghdad? CrackerJax honestly you are an idiot, your to scared to face the facts. Tell me if Russia Invaded the USA would you not get a gun and try and get them the fuck out? You know on Russian TV they will report back to their people that we needed it, and we had all these weapons and all of the resistance fighters in the US are terrorists does that make it true? Absolutely not, why cant you apply the same thought into our current situation, our media is controlled by our government their for they can flip whatever they want and say it how they want..
You need to look up the definition if you are that confused.... but yes.... being NOT in uniform is a big part of it. Killing civilians as a tactic is another. Think Al Queda, Hamas.....terrorists. :peace:

Ha I've got a political science degree AND I'm a military brat, I don't need to look anything up. I just brought up a couple of insightful questions. This isn't a personal attack but your passion is way overwhelming your logic here.

And I've got a couple of books specifically about Hamas and Al Queda if you'd like to borrow them. Nasty fuckers those guys are!
blah blah blah. men will always kill other men, some people justify it as a natural aspect of life because it is. Indeed this is true and will be the reason why all humans just like like 99 percent of all species that have ever lived on earth will eventually become extinct. Until that day comes, i am going to smoke my weed and not part take in silly arguments that can have no winner, as this only causes frustration and wastes more of my time on this planet, just like this very post. Anyways, I just farted. Argue about that
Too easy.... so you are the one that measures? Please.....

My post is accurate. Equating the American revolution to Al Queda makes you ..... an idiot.

Some of my posts are simple..... the truth often is. If I posted to my full potential, as I do on REAL political blogs elsewhere..... no one would read them. Most ppl complain if there are more than three paragraphs in a post here.

This is my Political LITE forum..... and I still am amazed at how incredible simple MINDED some folks here are.

I'm posting as LITE as I can....and yet still....

Haha - well well Cracker jax, let us have some of your "HEAVY" politics, which you so blatantly save for the hard crunchers at your political hot spots. :rolleyes:

But it's EASY.....

Which tells me you would rather throw mud than be informed....

The correct answers are...... drum roll.....

1.) Saddam Hussein

2.) the ppl of Iraq

100% accurate.

Fuck me... They must love you at the "political forums" you frequent, with those kind of answers.

You think the high rollers at the top of the pyramid, who control oil companies are going to let a bunch of hairy arabs and american troops decide who controls their oil.

HAHA - what a joke.

You need to look up the definition if you are that confused.... but yes.... being NOT in uniform is a big part of it. Killing civilians as a tactic is another. Think Al Queda, Hamas.....terrorists. :peace:

This is your problem Crackerjax - you keep talking about Al Qaeda and Hamas - which is funny because they have FUCK ALL to do with Iraq.

It's like talking about the IRA when discussing Kosovo - completely ridiculous.

How would you describe the countless incidents of american contracters getting their heads sawn off?

This is where yourdouble standards come into play.

I will use crackerjax's mentality.

"Don't walk around in a combat zone with people in American uniform".

That sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

How about a more realistic version.

Don't invade other people's countries, and they won't come sawing your heads off.

What did you expect, a box of fucking chocolates and champagne?

And I've got a couple of books specifically about Hamas and Al Queda if you'd like to borrow them. Nasty fuckers those guys are!

Indeed they are nasty fuckers, but like I said - they have nada to do with Iraq.

Eitherway - who do you think finances them? Who let's them through our borders with guns and drugs? Who let's them into crowded cities, onto jets, into busses?

This is no bullshit "conspiracy theory" - it's common sense. Everything happens for a reason - we aren't in the stone age anymore.

If a real terrorist (like a bomber - not some Iraqi) is going to blow himself up in a city, don't think MI5 and the CIA are laying about like a bunch of cunts and don't know about it.

Ya cause every Muslim is a terrorist right? How many Women and Children do you think we have blown up? How many innocent people do you think died in the initial bombing of Baghdad? CrackerJax honestly you are an idiot, your to scared to face the facts. Tell me if Russia Invaded the USA would you not get a gun and try and get them the fuck out? You know on Russian TV they will report back to their people that we needed it, and we had all these weapons and all of the resistance fighters in the US are terrorists does that make it true? Absolutely not, why cant you apply the same thought into our current situation, our media is controlled by our government their for they can flip whatever they want and say it how they want..

Very well put - think long and hard about that Crackerjax.
